Help and Shield!
Verse for Today: Sunday, June 10, 2012
Psalms 33:20 – Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.
It is comforting to know that the child of God is hidden behind the Lord who is his shield and help when all help fail. When we are confronted by difficult circumstances and fierce attacks by the enemy of our souls, we have hope in the Lord. When we face fierce attacks from all corners, we are reminded by the Lord that all our strengths and abilities have very little significance because our enemy is powerful. His tactics are subtle and crafty. He fights us largely from the emotional and spiritual realms of life. He uses our circumstances and situations through manipulations. Our only strength is in the Lord when all our hopes fade. He is out there when all others leave us. He reassures us that we will come out victorious by simply trusting in Him. David waited for the Lord with great expectations and hope. He put all his hope in the Lord and waited for Him to act at His time and in His unique ways. David had the faith to believe in the Lord that surely He will help and cover him with the Heavenly shield. These words of the Psalmist are the heart-cry of every child of God because we are all living in enemy territory. We know that we cannot fight on our own and win this war against the powerful forces of Satan, world and our own flesh. As we wait for the Lord’s release and deliverance to come, He gives us the strength and patience. While we wait, the Lord covers us with His shield so that we would not be afraid and that we would be secure under His wings.
Dear friend, be comforted today that your Lord knows the attacks you are facing today from the enemy of your soul. He knows the intensity of the battle for your mind. The enemy is only interested in shattering your faith and trust in the Lord. He wants to waken you so that you would be tempted to use fleshly weapons to fight. Perhaps you might be intimidated with depressive thought about the end result of these battles. But there is no need to be discouraged and retreat from the battle field. The Lord is your commander-in-chief and He will rescue you from the mouth of the lions and the other wild animals that are around you to try to weaken your confidence in the Lord. Rest assured that the Lord is on your side and He will protect you from the snares of the tongue and the fiery darts of gossip and slander against you. Perhaps you feel all alone in this fierce battle, but your Lord is with you and He is in it with you all the way. You are not alone even for a moment. The enemy might be using subtle weapons of the flesh against you because he has no principles or moral character. Perhaps the enemy is using people who are dear to your heart. The greatest weapon the enemy used against David was Saul, his own father-in-law. The strongest armor against Moses was his own brother and sister. The powerful ammunition against Paul was the brethren around him who received immense spiritual benefits from his ministry. The greatest attack against the Lord Jesus came from Judas who was a pseudo disciple and the crowd which received spiritual and physical blessings from Him. So dear friend, don’t be discouraged when the enemy is using unexpected corners to fight against you. The Lord will come to your rescue at the right time. He will be your shield and so none of the armor of the enemy will be effective against you. You will win the battle, because the Lord fights for you, as the battle belongs to the Lord.
Psalms 33:18 – Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope for His lovingkindness.
Thought for Today
All who wait for the Lord in times of fierce spiritual battle will find the right cover behind His shield for total protection.
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