THE MEANING OF MARRIAGE – Br. Koshy Mathew [Audio sermon]

Posted below is the sermon delivered at Borivali assembly by Br. Koshy Mathew on 23 June 2011.The sermon was delivered in english and translated in Hindi.

Different words have been used for the word ‘marriage’ in the Holy Bible. It is interesting to look into the first three reference of the word ‘marriage’ used in the scripture. In all these instances, three different words for ‘marriage’ have been used, to convey three different aspects of it.

They are

1.Marriage means to receive each other.(Genesis 19:4)
2.Marriage means to give away.(Genesis 34:9)
3.Marriage means to dwell together.(Exodus 21:10)

CHRISTIAN AND HIS MONEY :Luke 12:16-21 – Br. Koshy Mathew – [Audio sermon]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 22nd May,2011.

Passage of Reference : Luke 12:16-21

Br.Koshy Mathew expounding from the parable of the rich fool in Luke12:16-21, draws attention to three reasons why Lord called him a fool

1)He completely excluded God form his life and didn’t believe in Him.
2)He failed to realize that he has to give his life back to God
3)He accumulated wealth for this life and nothing for eternity

Attitude that a Christian holds for his money, is an indicator his spiritual health.