Home for the homeless! Verse for Today: Friday, December 14, 2012Psalms 5:7 – But I, by your great mercy, will come into Your house; in reverence will I bow down towards Your holy temple. Intimidation from the arrogant is a serious weapon that the en…

Br. Santhosh Thomas – 4 TITLES OF A CHRISTIAN – English- Hindi Sermon

Long before the word ‘Christian’ was coined, believers were known by various different words and titles. Expounding from Acts 9, Br. Santhosh Thomas draws various practical lessons from the 4 titles used to refer to Christians.

Passage of reference: Acts 9

1. DISCIPLES – Acts 9:1
2. PEOPLE OF THIS WAY – Acts 9:2
3. SAINTS – Acts 9:13
4. BRETHREN – Acts 9:30