Accepted in the Beloved!
Verse for Today: Saturday, October 13, 2012
Genesis 31:5 – (Jacob) said to (Leah and Rachel), “I see that your father’s attitude towards me is not what it was before, but the God of my father has been with me.” 
God’s children are often resented and rejected by the world they live in. We are taken advantage of when we serve with them for a livelihood. Our contributions to their cause is rarely understood or accepted by the world. They know how to make use of us for their advantage and when they do not want us any more, they have the tenacity to show negative attitude towards us. Jacob was confronted with the reality of resentment and rejection after he served his father-in-law for twenty long years. Jacob saw that Laban’s face changed towards him and that the first love and affection were gone. Even though it saddened Jacob, he quickly regained courage in realizing that in the midst of deep resentment, God was with him and that His face was still shining on him. Jacob realized the extent of blatant resentment, rejection, hatred and contention he faced from someone he served and loved. Even at such times of pain of rejection, Jacob learned that His God would not let him down. God would be with Jacob and would shower His blessings upon him during such valley experiences and would keep blessing him.  When Jacob emerged from this sad experience, God sent His holy angels to meet Jacob with divine exuberance and warmth. The God of Jacob speaks to us today that even if the whole world rejects us, He will be with us and will never leave us nor forsake us.
Dear reader, are you facing rejection, resentment and hatred from the people who are close to you? Are they showing it through their actions and expressions of various kinds? When they turn away, your God would turn to you and shine upon you. When they show hatred, God will show more love and compassion to you. Perhaps you are confronted with an unfriendly boos or colleague who resents you. Your neighbor, friend or even a family member might show unfriendly face to you. It might even come from the household of faith. You might find resentment in your ministry which would be hard to bear. It could be due to selfish motives, jealousy, competition, misinterpretation and misrepresentation. It might be due to wrong perceptions. It is likely that the enemy of your soul is using others to hurt your feelings and frustrate you in life. In the midst of such situations, your God comes to you today to encourage you. He is with you to give you fellowship and show you how dear you are to Him. Even if the whole world forsakes you, He will not. He will not despise you, but will strengthen you with His Spirit to face the unfriendly situation and animosity that you are faced with. If there is negative attitude from your associates, go to the cross of Jesus to see the grace that flows from the friendless moments that He endured for you. He was friendless, but still had the joy of the Lord which filled His heart. He was betrayed by a person who was with Him for over three years. His beloved disciple ejected Him publicly three times and all His disciples ran away from Him in times of greatest distress. When Jesus was bound and accused falsely, none who loved Him stood with Him, but they all ran for life. Jesus who knew what it was to experience resentment and rejection is with you today to reassure you that He will be with you always even when everyone resents, rejects and forsakes you. This ought to fill your heart with praise today and make your life  a fountain of joy and love.
2 Timothy 4:16 & 17 – At my first defense, no-one came to my support, but everyone deserted me …………………………….. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength………………
Thought for Today
The rejected Christ is our best Friend in times of rejection and resentment in life.
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