Mighty to hold!
Verse for Today: Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Psalms 6:2 – Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony.
When we go through unexplainable anguish in our soul because of our most difficult circumstances, we might feel faint. When the enemy sees us in distress, he will use all weapons in his arsenal to add insult to our injuries. Our heavy burdens become difficult for us to carry. We would be dumbfounded about the way the enemy aligns people against us. David had such experiences when he found that his son Absalom had enough support to drive him out of his palace in Jerusalem. When David became weak, his allies slowly changed loyalties quickly and joined forces with Absalom. These forces declared their allegiance to his enemies because they thought David would never come back to Jerusalem as king. But when we face such devastating circumstances, we become depressed and loose all our energy. We might seek avenues to run for life with utter exasperation and hopelessness.  But in such situations, David turned to God for help. He pleaded for God’s mercy which he knew was vast and immeasurable. He knew that his Lord would not deprive him of mercy and grace to help him cope with the bitter situation that He had to go through. Even when we are at a loss as to what to do or where to turn to, our Lord would come down to meet our emotional needs. When the enemy clutters our circumstances and leave us in smoke and cloud, our Lord would extend His grace to us to cope with it all. He will come to heal our wounded and bruised hearts and emotions. He will pour His strength onto us to equip us to cope with our situation and become victorious. He will give us greater confidence to deal with our dark situations. When we have such a Lord with us, there is no need for us to be depressed.
Dear friend, are you struggling in life with sagging and agonizing emotions because of the difficult situations you are going through? Are you finding it tough to cope with the fierce circumstance which pierces you from all sides? Is there deep pain and agony in your soul which lead you to be sick in your body and excruciating pain in your bones? Before you faint and fall on the ground, you have the privilege and opportunity to cry unto your Lord for mercy. Your Lord will answer your prayers and respond to your cries. He will touch you and heal you of all the emotional bruises that the enemy inflicted on you through circumstances and people. King David had such experience of excruciating pain and agony in his soul as he suffered from the people around him. Some of these people who were used against him by the enemy were his immediate family members. There were also people who served in his army and administration. They connived together to evict him from the position to which God appointed him. They were beneficiaries of the blessings God gave David, but still they attacked him which was too much for David to bear with. Joseph had such sufferings from his own brothers and employers. Moses was under attack by his brother and sister. Paul was attacked by his co-laborers in the vineyard. Jesus was rejected by the people who enjoyed the blessings of His ministries. He prayed that the Father would forgive them as did Paul and Stephen when they were afflicted. Our Lord Jesus who went through rejection by people comes to us today to comfort and encourage us. He understands our emotional feelings when we are afflicted by those whom we love. Today He shows mercy to us and heals our emotional bruises. He strengthens our agonizing bones so that we can stand even when the circumstances are slippery and situations rough.
Psalms 6:9 – The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.  
Thought for Today
The mighty hands of our Lord hold us firm when we are faint, weak and depressed.
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