Bro. C.K. Joseph promoted to Glory

Popularly known as Appachayan of Borivali Assembly, Bro C.K Joseph was promoted to Glory on 8th August 2010 at 6 am at the Karuna Hospital, Borivali. Appachayan had suffered a head injury on 28th July 2010 as he fell from his sleeping bed which resulted in a severe Brain Haemorrhage. He went into coma 2 hours later and a critical brain surgery was conducted on 28th July. Post the surgery, he never woke up from his coma and breathed his last 12 days later to be promoted to be with the Lord.

Which Gate?

More people travel by plane than ever before. Formerly this mode of travel was solely the realm of the wealthy, but in the present society it appears that nearly everyone has been on a plane. The downturn in home-based holidays is largely due to the availability and economy of flights to lands where sunshine is almost guaranteed.

His Name is Jesus

This is a song written by Reuel Philip just after he got saved.
Lord of Lords
King of Kings

Christ Died For Us

The first man Adam died, the oldest man Methuselah died, the wisest man Solomon died, the meekest man Moses died. Patriarchs, prophets, princes, princesses, prime ministers, presidents, politicians, philosophers, peasants and paupers all die. The mighty Pharaohs passed away, the conquering emperors of Rome had to succumb to this mighty foe, Alexander the Great could not withstand the onslaught of death. The rich, the poor, the famous, the unknown, the wise and unwise, the religious and the heathen, the terrorist and the law abiding alike must fall beneath its cruel stroke.

Israel-Syria seek peace

Syria and Israel has a great opportunity to seek peace and come to a peaceful existence.

Such an opportunity presents itself under shifting political strategies as Syria and Saudi come together to blunt Iran hegemony. Most believe such a “divide and rule” strategy in the Arab World is being brought about by the Americans. This could ideally set up for Israel as they contain Iran with Syria and Rest of the Arab world refusing to help Tehran if Israel decides to use the military option against a nuclear Tehran.


I would like to share some few thoughts on the prayer Christ prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.
In the book of Mark, we see Lord Jesus praying a prayer: “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt”.

In the previous verses, we see Christ in deep agony realizing the cup He would be drinking.

Israel at for efront of research

A leading report in Israel news paper state that Israel invites fres money into the country to forge new research in the field of biomedical, nano technology, defense and agriculture. As big banks set up their centers, Israel could become the center of new capital and money flows thus helping the world to take notice of this small nation.

US Support for Israel at all time Highs!

Israel leading newspaper reports that US support for Israel is at all time highs.The question is whether Israel is now moving into a sense of false security relying on the support of US allies.