Experiencing Promises!

Verse for Today: Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Isaiah 58:11 –
The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

In the most unfavourable circumstances, our Lord is nearer to us to lead us forward. He has promised never to forsake us when everything seems to be against us. When we go through darkness and clouds, He will be there to guide us through His Spirit. His Spirit is the spiritual radar that we can follow even when we are in a vast desert or in the middle of the ocean and tossed around by mighty wind and waves. When there is famine and the land doesn’t yield any crops, He will feed us even through the weakest and unlikely means as He fed Elijah through the ravens and widows. We would not need to be anxious as to how and from where our help will come because our help comes in mysterious ways from our Lord. When there is no rain or moisture to water our sun-scorched and recession-hit fields, our Lord will send His springs and dews to water us to make us like a well-watered garden. We may live in tents like Abraham, but our tents do not exhibit our poverty, but the temporary nature of our earthly abode. Jacob was in deep distress thinking that all that was dear to him was lost forever. But even at that time, His Lord was at work to lift him and his family up and to give his beloved son back to him. If our circumstances plunge us into despondency, we need to go back to the God of Bethel and Paniel and submit our case before Him and wait silently in hope and faith. He has promised never to leave us as orphans and He will lead us here on earth according to His dignity and status. He would not suffer His beloved children to live like orphans in this world and would certainly provide for our needs. He works in our circumstances to establish the testimony of our divine parentage and ownership in Him. When such promises are ours from the God of all promises, why should we worry or fret? We need to only claim these promises and live victoriously.

Dear reader, are your circumstances dark and dry during these difficult times? Are you feeling the heat of the scorching sun which has made you weak and bewildered? In such circumstances, you have the privilege to go and dwell in the shadow of the Almighty where the Lord will give you the experience of His cool waters and green pastures. His drops of mercy are far more sufficient than the artificial showers of the world. Each drop of compassion that comes from the Lord is greater than an ocean of empty words of the world. His promises point towards a heavy downpour which is yet to come when we will be in the house of the Lord forever and will enjoy the abundance of His provisions. Dear friend, even when your outer frame is frail, your inner person will be strong if your trust is in the power of your Lord. Then you will be able to fly like an eagle in the higher vistas of spiritual well being. Your waiting for the Lord’s guidance and power will lead you to the right place of blessings and joy. Your joy is not because of some seemingly favourbale situation, but because of your Lord who holds your hands even in the midst of the most unfavourable circumstances. His promise of favours, compassion and guidance will always help us to walk with Him in relentless faith and trust day after day as we travel with Him. Today these promises are our stronghold to keep looking unto Him to walk forward.

Psalms 91:4 – (The Lord) will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

Thought for Today

God’s promises are fulfilled in our lives all the time, but they are felt in our lives as we go through various circumstances.

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