Angelic security!

Verse for Today: Saturday, October 22, 2011

Daniel 6:22a – My God sent His angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.

The deliverance of Daniel is a prime example of God’s direct interference to protect His children. But even before Daniel went into the lion’s den, he was given the holy boldness not to fear the edict of the king. Daniel feared God more than the king and the lions. His fear of God kept all his earthly fears at bay. He was not concerned about public opinion or removal from the highly influential position he had in the government. He was bent on fearing God and speaking to God about his concerns in life. While God’s angel was in the lion’s den with Daniel, the king was distressed and unable to sleep. But Daniel had the peace that surpassed all reasoning as he trusted God without regard to consequences. He was a man who feared only God and so enjoyed the favor of God. It is unimaginable to see the lions keeping their mouths shut in front of a prey. But God who created the lions had them under His control. Such peace and fearlessness can be ours if we do not fear man, earthly consequences and even attack from people who are like wild animals. There are people around us who behave with us like wild animals and they scheme evil against us. They have the capacity to devour us like lions through gossip, falsehood and misrepresentation. But our Lord interferes in our situations to prevent them from attacking and devouring us because He has more things to accomplish through us in this world. Our lives are His because He purchased us on the cross of Calvary and He will fulfill His purpose through us as it pleases Him. Each day it is our privilege to escape the snares of the enemy who uses humans and situations against us. The enemy is a thief, a murderer and a destroyer who uses all his tactics against us as he did against Daniel. Let us thank the Lord for His special care and protection in the wake of all attacks and traps of the enemy.

Dear friend, are you being challenged by the enemy and his agents through subtle ways? Is the enemy trying to trap you in different ways and deceive you to water down your faith as you face the various realities of life daily? Are there threats against your very existence or your financial stability? Is the enemy trying to instill fear in you about loss of job, reputation, status and dignity? Today the Lord wants to speak to you through the lives of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. They feared God so much so that they had no fear of man and the consequences of commitment to the Lord. They refused to bow to the edicts of the king, but respected the law of the Lord. God knew the genuineness of their faith and trust in Him and interfered to protect them. He shut the mouths of the lions and fire and sustained His servants so that His purpose through them could be sustained. He stood between His servants on the one side and the lions and the fire on the other side to keep them safe and sanctified. God did the same for Elijah, Elisha, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, Esther, David, Paul and Peter. They were all brought out of various dens through mysterious ways so that they could continue to serve Him. The same Lord is with us today as a fire wall to respond to our fearless faith in all situations. Let us today praise Him for the marvelous ways by which He keeps us going during these perilous times and helps us grow in our faith in His power and strength which overshadows all the powers of darkness around us.

Psalms 91:11 – For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.

Thought for Today
God appoints His holy angels to stand guard for each of His children in the dens created by the enemy.

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