Wonder of His presence!
Verse for Today: Thursday, January 03, 2013
Psalms 16:9 – (The Lord is at my right hand), therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.
There is no reason to think that the world and its turn of events would make anyone truly glad and rejoicing. The world has tremendous insecurity for all its living beings and especially man. There is physical and emotional insecurity for people of all ages because of the moral degradation of the world. So much of resources are used up to provide security, but insecurity is increasing day by day as we hear news about newer violation of the safety and security of people. But David the Psalmist found out the secret of security and resultant gladness and rejoicing that His Lord was by His right hand. God’s children can enjoy security and fill themselves with gladness because their safety is assured by God who is always with them. Often the enemy and his agents do not realize that anyone who touches us is really touching God and should expect God’s reaction and wrath on them. Not only that, when God gives us security, He in essence takes away our fear and anxiety about moving forward. We tend to become slaves to fear and anxiety when we lose the realization that God is with us and He goes before us. If only our eyes are enlightened by the awful presence of God can we live boldly and fearlessly? He has given us His Spirit who is not a Spirit of timidity and doubt, but the Spirit of courage and boldness. When we read the Word of God, the Spirit of God brightens it up to our hearts with His heavenly light and generates faith and that’s how our fear vanishes and our anxiety gives way to gladness. That was how David withstood the pressures of danger and insecurity. Let us today open our spiritual eyes and see our Lord holding our right hand. Let us gain confidence from His presence and keep going forward with boldness and courage.

Dear friend, are you afraid and anxious in life today because of the intimidation of the enemy and his entourage around you? Is your strength waning because of the armor of evil and brutality that the enemy is carrying to attack you?  But it is time you meditate on the promises of God and get yourself filled with the Spirit of God and open your eyes to see the glory of God around you. As you look up, you will see the Lord Himself by your side to protect you. No matter how strong the enemy and how vicious his armor is, it will not penetrate you because the glory of the Lord is encompassing around you. He is keeping you as the apple of His eyes. You are in the palm of His hands and nothing can penetrate you. But if you do not meditate on the promises and are not filled with the Spirit of God, you will not experience the presence of God. He will fill your heart with His peace and allow you to sing spiritual songs of gladness and rejoicing for the praise of His name. Paul and Silas sang such songs and praised God when they were in the prison. Many of the songs of praise written and sang by David came out while in caves where he was able to see the presence of God right beside him. These are songs of faith, rest, peace, comfort, encouragement and boldness which the Lord gives to His children to sing along in spite of intimidation and turbulence. Today we can be at peace because our Lord is at our right hand to strengthen, sustain and secure us through His presence and promises. So there is no need for us to be shaken, bewildered, anxious and fearful. Instead, let us praise our Lord for the wonder of His presence and rejoice exceedingly with joy.

Philippians 4:4 – Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!   

Thought for Today
The presence of the Lord of heavenly hosts with us will drive out all fears and fill us with confidence, rest and peace.

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