Sins covered!!!

Moses in Psalm 90 talks in length about the brevity of Life. He talks about sorrow, death and especially about the wrath of God towards Man. He says how fragile life is.

And in the midst of saying so much,he reveals a shocking fact as the reason in verse 8:

‘You have set our iniquities before, Our secret sins in the light of Your countenance.’

Assurance of salvation

SBC Series of messages preached by Bro Koshi Mathew. Full text to be put up later. Assurance of Salvation 1 Jn 5:13 The most important thing in the life of an individual is to know …

Career Developement

Career Development Selecting a career is one of the most difficult decisions that a youngster can face during his life. It is also a decision that is most heavily influenced by external factors like parents, …