Evangelism: A Mandate Of Every Church – Br. K V Simeon- [Audio Sermon]

Posted Below is the Sermon delivered by Br. K. V. Simeon at Maharashtra Prophecy Conference in the year 2009

The Sermon is on the attitude a local assembly ought to have when it comes community evangelism. Citing examples of David, Peter, Philip, Paul and the churches at Philippi and Thessalonica, Br K V Simeon presents convincing reasons for the church to be involved in evangelism. God Honors those who confess Him. Gospel is a sacred treasure God has given us which we must share. Every member of the body of Christ in the direction of the head should be giving out the gospel.

Can we shut up the light in a bush? So Evangelism is not an option but a mandate. Evangelism is the means through which the local churches are born.

Gatherings of the Church – Br.Thomson B. Thomas – [Audio Sermon]

Posted Below is the Sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B. Thomas at Maharashtra Prophecy Conference in the year 2009

The Sermon is on the various gatherings of the saints. They are

Gathering for Breaking of Bread Acts 20:6, 7; Acts 2

Gathering for Prayer Acts 12:5

Gathering for Bible Study Acts2:42; 11:26

Gathering for Bible Reading Acts 15:30, 31; Col 4:16

Gathering of Gospel Meeting Acts 2:43,46

Gathering for testimony sharing Acts14:27

Gathering for Discipline 1 Cor 5:4

New Year's Sermon 2011: Antidote to anxiety- Br.Varghese Chacko

Posted Below is the Sermon Delivered By Bro. Varghese Chacko at the Borivali Assembly

The sermon is a timely sermon on How Lord Jesus Christ asked each Christian to seek God’s Kingdom first and never be anxious.

Lord Jesus Convinced His listeners by stating three examples – fowls of the air, flowers of the field and the Gentiles.

The Sermon is from Matthew 6:25-34