THE GOODNESS OF GOD – Br. Aaron Dias – [ Audio sermon]

What do we mean when we say that God is good? Is the goodness of God defined by the blessings we receive or are there more aspects to it?The Bible outlines the relentless and unending goodness of God in so many ways and this sermon briefly glances at 6 ways in which it is manifested to us and around us.God loves compassionately (Lamentations 3:22-23)God provides (Matthew 6:31-32)God gives grace (2 Corinthians 12:9, Isaiah 43:2)God gives impartially (Matthew 5:45)God protects (Psalm 121:3, 5-7)God understands our frailty despite His sovereignty (Job 38-39, Hebrews 4:14-16)

GOD’S LOVE- John 3:1-16 – Br. Ritchin Sen- [Audio sermon]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br. Ritchin Sen on 21st December, 2012 at Borivali Assembly.

Passage of Reference : John 3:1-16

From John 3:1-16 we see how Jesus patiently explains to Nicodemus from the Old Testament, things that he should have known as a Pharisee i.e. how Jesus was the only way to enter into the Kingdom of God. Jesus teaches that it is not anything that man does that get’s him into heaven but it is God’s work alone in a person’s life that makes him/her have a right standing with God.

Jesus also explains God’s extreme and incomparable love that He would send His only Son to die for a sinful people who are enemies with God. The same love that God showed to we sinners, should be shown not only to saints within the church but also to the lost who do not know Christ.

THE SOVEREIGN GOD [Isaiah 6] AND SUFFERING SAVIOR [Isaiah 53] – Br.Viji Roberts, Canada

Posted Below is the sermon delivered by Br. Viji Roberts at Borivali Assembly on 10th Feb,2011. The sermon is part of the series ‘ The Sovereign God and Suffering Savior’.

In Isaiah 6, we see a God high and lifted up, whose train filled the whole temple. A God full of Glory and in awesome majesty, is the center of all worship in Heaven. Before whom, the first words that proceeded out of Isaiah’s mouth were “Woe is me… “. A Sovereign God!!
Isaiah in God’s Presence, beholding God’s Glory and majesty resulted in his

1. Repentance
2. Redemption
3. Response

But in Isaiah 52:13- 53; We see a Suffering Savior. Isaiah 53 is divided in couplets of three verses and it is last of the ‘Servant songs’ which starts from Isaiah 42.

Isaiah 52:13-15: The Success of the Servant
Isaiah 53:1-3 : The Story of the Servant
Isaiah 53:4-6 : The Suffering of the Servant
Isaiah 53:7-9 : The Submission of the Servant
Isaiah 53:10-13: The Sacrifice of the Servant