Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland- RECIPE OF FRUITFUL CHRISTIAN LIFE [Sermon English- Marathi]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Phil coulson at Christian Believers’ Assembly, Cantonment, Aurangabad

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Phil Coulson at Christian Believers’ Assembly, Cantonment, Aurangabad

The sermon is a part of the series of Bible studies on the book of Ephesians. Br Phil Coulson gives a sound exposition of Ephesians 4:1-6. Apostle Paul after having spoken about many doctrines in the 1st 3 chapters of The epistle, he goes ahead to give the spiritual implication of those doctrine from Ephesians chapter 4.

The sermon is a Bible study on the book of Ephesians.

Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland- ISRAEL AND GREAT TRIBULATION [English-Hindi Sermon ]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br. Phil Coulson at the Maharashtra Prophecy Conference.

Br. Coulson speaks about the change that God intended when He changed Jacob’s name to Israel. It was a transformation of a worm to a prince. But quoting the Scripture from Jeremiah 30, Br. Coulson explains how Jacob’s trouble will be the most painful experience for the nation of Israel. And it will be followed by the millennial reign of Christ, when Israel’s joy will be fulfilled in Him.

Penuel: Jacob's Encounter with God- Br Tijumon Chacko, Kerala [Malayalam- English]

Posted Below is the sermon delivered by Br. Tijumon Chacko, Kerala at Borivali Assembly on 12th Feb,2011.The sermon was delivered in Malayalam and translated into English.

Penuel means- Meeting God Face to Face. God chose this place to deal with Jacob’s life personally. It became the place, where God changed Jacob’s name to Israel. It was the place where God touched Jacob. God dealt with Jacob in a special way so much that, when Jacob left Penuel, the sun rose upon him.

Br. Tijumon Chacko listing spiritual truths on Penuel where Jacob encountered God, argues the point, that every Christian should have a Penuel experience to boast of.

THE SOVEREIGN GOD [Isaiah 6] AND SUFFERING SAVIOR [Isaiah 53] – Br.Viji Roberts, Canada

Posted Below is the sermon delivered by Br. Viji Roberts at Borivali Assembly on 10th Feb,2011. The sermon is part of the series ‘ The Sovereign God and Suffering Savior’.

In Isaiah 6, we see a God high and lifted up, whose train filled the whole temple. A God full of Glory and in awesome majesty, is the center of all worship in Heaven. Before whom, the first words that proceeded out of Isaiah’s mouth were “Woe is me… “. A Sovereign God!!
Isaiah in God’s Presence, beholding God’s Glory and majesty resulted in his

1. Repentance
2. Redemption
3. Response

But in Isaiah 52:13- 53; We see a Suffering Savior. Isaiah 53 is divided in couplets of three verses and it is last of the ‘Servant songs’ which starts from Isaiah 42.

Isaiah 52:13-15: The Success of the Servant
Isaiah 53:1-3 : The Story of the Servant
Isaiah 53:4-6 : The Suffering of the Servant
Isaiah 53:7-9 : The Submission of the Servant
Isaiah 53:10-13: The Sacrifice of the Servant