Posted below are the sermons delivered by Br. Amis Lopes at Borivali Assembly of a newly commenced series on Levitical Sacrifices. Burnt Offerings 1. Introduction [scg_html_pb] Note: Due to technical difficulties, the 1st sermon could …
Br. Nelson Thomas- Spiritual Warfare: KNOWING THE DEVIL [Sermon]
Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br. Nelson Thomas at Borivali Assembly on 18 May, 2011.
In this 4th sermon in the Study Series on Spiritual Warfare, Br. Nelson Thomas exposes the enemy of a Christian. As the battle is half won when the foe is know, 7 points regarding this Christian foe is dealt in this sermon.
1. A Created fallen Angel
2. A powerful being
3. A wicked being
4. A subtle being
5. A organized force
6. A shameless being
7. A defeated foe.
Br. Nelson Thomas- Spiritual Warfare: WHY THE FIGHT? [Sermon]
In this 3rd sermon in the Study Series on Spiritual Warfare, Br. Nelson thomas answer tow major questions regarding it
1.What is the guarantee of victory for a Christian in this battle?
a. Position in Lord’s Victory- John 16:33
b. Resources in Christ- Eph 6:10
c. Protection in Christ- Job 1:15
d. Prayer of Christ- Luke 22:32
2. Why a Christian still fights?
a. Devil’s claim because of Past History- Jude 1:9
b. Indwelling fleshly lusts – 1 Peter 2:11
c. Living in a Wicked World- 1 John 5:17
d. Being a part of the Body of Christ- I Cor 12:27
e. Devil’s time is short- Rev 12:12
f. A part of God’s Design- 2 Cor 12:7