CHURCH AND CHURCHES – Br. Varghese Kurian [Audio sermon]

Posted Below is the Sermon delivered by Br. Varghese Kurian, at Maharashtra Church Conference in the year 2009.

‘CHURCH AND CHURCHES’ is the inaugural message delivered by Br.Varghese Kurian at Maharashtra Church Conference, 2009. Br. Kurian explicitly defining the various meanings of the word ‘church’, as it appears in the scripture, and delving into the fundamentals of the doctrine of Church; sets the pitch for the remaining sermons to be delivered at the conference.

GOD’S CREATION: LESSON FOR FAMILY & CHURCH – Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland-[Audio sermon]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Phil Coulson at Christian Believers’ Assembly, Cantonment, Aurangabad.The sermon is a part of the series of Bible studies on the book of Ephesians.

Passage of reference:Ephesians 5:22-33

Br.Phil Coulson expounding from the Word of God, shows how God has been teaching His people, through his creation, some of the most important truths of Church and Family. Br.Coulson also emphasizes how the responsibility of restoring the fallen Family order at the garden of Eden, is resting upon His saints today.

Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland: BIBLE STUDY- EPHESIANS 2:18 [English-Marathi Sermon]

The two important truths that this verse speaks in volumes:

1. ‘Both’ Jews and Gentiles have been made part of the body of Christ.
The Jews considered themselves special on the basis of the ‘Old Covenant’, that God had made with them. But the covenant on which their soul boasted, itself condemned them and brought them under the curse; as none could keep up the high Standards of God.
Hence, when the Son of God died at Calvary; He took upon himself the curse of the Jews and the sins of the Gentiles, making them both part of one body.

2. This verse is one of the few verses in God’s Word which shows the Triune God is at work on behalf of the salvation of man.

through him
one Spirit
unto the Father

It is amazing to see that all three Godheads took great interest in saving sinful, rebellious ‘man’ from his sins. The Father planed, The son Acted according to the Plan, and The Spirit brought Light and Sealed that Action.
Furthermore, Br Phil Coulson, illustrating the example of Joseph meeting his brothers in Egypt, shows how it is a picture of the Triune God at work, to save the fallen human race.


Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Jose Dali, Vapi at Borivali assembly on 20th March,2011.

Br.Jose Dali speaking from Genesis 22, list the reasons for Abraham to say Jehovah Jireh- THE LORD PROVIDES.The sermon was prominently delivered in Hindi with little inputs of main points in English.

Br. Phil Coulson, Scotland- RECIPE OF FRUITFUL CHRISTIAN LIFE [Sermon English- Marathi]

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Phil coulson at Christian Believers’ Assembly, Cantonment, Aurangabad

Posted below is the sermon delivered by Br.Phil Coulson at Christian Believers’ Assembly, Cantonment, Aurangabad

The sermon is a part of the series of Bible studies on the book of Ephesians. Br Phil Coulson gives a sound exposition of Ephesians 4:1-6. Apostle Paul after having spoken about many doctrines in the 1st 3 chapters of The epistle, he goes ahead to give the spiritual implication of those doctrine from Ephesians chapter 4.

The sermon is a Bible study on the book of Ephesians.