The Gospel of Jesus Christ demands no human efforts but only faith to be saved. When a sinner believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, the sinner is declared righteous and no more held accountable for sins committed. Righteousness is not earned but transferred from Christ to the sinner.Though this judicial transaction makes a sinner fit to inherit eternal life, does it also give one the liberty to commit sin? How is sanctification and holiness achieved? Paul in this passage emphasizes the fact that just like justification could not be attained by efforts, so also any amount of human efforts cannot guarantee sanctification. We are in the flesh and are incapable of any good. Yet God brings in a new dynamics to play where the Spirit of His own Son, resides in us to bring about a new and transformed life. It is through the Spirit God that brings holiness in the life of His children, which the law of old testament was weak to do so.
Not Under the Law – Romans 7:1-13 [Sermon]
A Christian has been freed from the law of the old testament. But does this freedom mean a freedom to sin? If we are not under the law, does it mean we are lawless?Paul in this passage challenges the notion that a Christian can live in sin since there is no law to keep. He asserts that a believer has no grounds to live a life of sin. The law could not guarantee holiness. But Jesus liberated us from the law and has done a new work in our lives to ensure holiness. Jesus gives us newness of Life through faith in Him. He provides us with grace to live this ‘new life’, that is marked by holiness and not sin.
THE GOODNESS OF GOD – Br. Aaron Dias – [ Audio sermon]
What do we mean when we say that God is good? Is the goodness of God defined by the blessings we receive or are there more aspects to it?The Bible outlines the relentless and unending goodness of God in so many ways and this sermon briefly glances at 6 ways in which it is manifested to us and around us.God loves compassionately (Lamentations 3:22-23)God provides (Matthew 6:31-32)God gives grace (2 Corinthians 12:9, Isaiah 43:2)God gives impartially (Matthew 5:45)God protects (Psalm 121:3, 5-7)God understands our frailty despite His sovereignty (Job 38-39, Hebrews 4:14-16)
IS THE BIBLE TRUSTWORTHY?- 1 Peter 3:15 – Bro Thomson B Thomas [Audio-video Sermon]
Through the study, the question ‘Is the Bible trustworthy?’ is answered. This study focuses on the Claims of the Bible,
Preservation of the Bible,
Evidences for the trustworthiness and the
Influence of the Bible.
Slaves to Christ – Romans 6:14-23 [Sermon]
Paul when trying to answer the question- if believers can sin?, brings in the concept of slavery to God. Slavery is inevitable. As human beings, we are always slaves, either to Sin or to God. If God is our master, then we should not sin. Because sinning would prove sin to be our master.Therefore it is paramount to present ourselves without reservation to our new Master- Lord Jesus Christ, and not to master of Sin who the Lord has liberated us from by the death on the Cross.
MODERN ATHEISM – Bro Varghese Chacko – [Audio-Video Sermon]
This study is focused on Characteristics and beliefs of a Modern Atheist. The evidences used by Scientists, Atheists are refuted and the study also explores the evidences used by Christians
CONVERSATIONAL APOLOGETICS – 1 Peter 3:15 – Bro Johnny Varghese – [Audio-Video Sermon]
Johnny Varghese undertakes a study on Conversational Apologetics- the need to reason with people and share the gospel. He focused on different tactics to handle discussion during personal evangelism.
Shall we Continue in Sin? – Romans 6:1-13 [Sermon]
Paul in his discourse of the working of the gospel addresses a very critical question in this passage. He challenges the notion that it is ok for a believer to continue living in sin. His pertinent question is – Shall we continue in Sin?When a believer lives in continual sin, then it becomes an aberration of the highest order. It goes against the very work that Christ accomplished through His death on the cross. In this passage, Paul exhorts and convincingly shows that a child of God is dead to sin, and therefore can live no longer in it. He shows why and how a believer can live unto God rather than continuing in sin.
COLOSSIANS – Relations of a Perfect Christian 2 – Br. Godly Abraham – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon at Borivali Assembly on 15th November 2017.Passage of Reference: Colossians 4:6-18Book of Colossians was written to new believers at Colosse. It was in response to four different types of false doctrines that had crept silently into their midst, possibly by the arrival of some outsiders. Epaphras brought this to the notice of Apostle Paul while under house arrest in Acts 28. Paul, therefore, writes the four chapters to the believers encouraging them to strive for a life of perfection and maturity. The method and manner of perfection can be attained by the principles laid out in the four chapters of Colossians. In Chapter 4: Paul is now moving from personal practical Christianity to public practical Christianity. The links and relationship of a believer are laid on here. Ten names are mentioned in this chapter and they are listed because they have a varying degree of perfection in them.