Sufferings of Christ – Part 5

The passage describes the unjust trial of Jesus before the Jewish leaders, highlighting its illegitimacy and the hypocrisy of those who condemned Him. Despite false witnesses and improper legal proceedings, Jesus remained in control, fulfilling prophecy as the blameless Lamb of God. His silence demonstrated both humility and divine authority, while His acknowledgment of being the Son of God sealed His fate. Ultimately, His trial reflected the larger spiritual reality of mankind’s rejection of truth and the fulfillment of God’s plan for salvation through His suffering.

Sufferings of Christ – Part 4

The sermon discusses the arrest of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane, focusing on the intertwined themes of his divinity and humanity. It contrasts Christ’s omniscience and power against the inadequacy of those arresting him, emphasizing that despite his suffering, he remains God. The narrative portrays the complexity of betrayal by Judas and highlights Christ’s willingness to face arrest for humanity’s sake.

Sufferings of Christ – Part 3

This sermon discussesthe events leading up to Christ’s crucifixion, emphasizing His last teachings and prayer with His disciples before His arrest. It highlights His sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemane, reflecting on themes of betrayal, suffering, and the relationship between Christ and His followers. It also explores the significance of His last words and the challenges believers will face.

Sufferings of Christ – Part 2

The sermon discusses the sufferings of Christ, particularly the different perspectives presented by Matthew and John. Matthew emphasizes prophecy fulfillment, while John illustrates intimacy and the significance of Christ’s journey to glory through suffering. Christ’s path to exaltation through humility and love for humanity is highlighted, ultimately leading to His return to the Father.

Sufferings of Christ – Part 1

The audio sermon explores the significance of Christ’s sufferings, drawing insights from Matthew 26:1. It emphasizes worship, self-mortification, and the necessity of enduring suffering as Christ did. The sermon connects biblical prophecy with Christ’s crucifixion, highlighting human wickedness alongside divine will to portray the depth of Christ’s sacrifice and humility at the cross.

THE SOVEREIGN GOD [Isaiah 6] AND SUFFERING SAVIOR [Isaiah 53] – Br.Viji Roberts, Canada

Posted Below is the sermon delivered by Br. Viji Roberts at Borivali Assembly on 10th Feb,2011. The sermon is part of the series ‘ The Sovereign God and Suffering Savior’.

In Isaiah 6, we see a God high and lifted up, whose train filled the whole temple. A God full of Glory and in awesome majesty, is the center of all worship in Heaven. Before whom, the first words that proceeded out of Isaiah’s mouth were “Woe is me… “. A Sovereign God!!
Isaiah in God’s Presence, beholding God’s Glory and majesty resulted in his

1. Repentance
2. Redemption
3. Response

But in Isaiah 52:13- 53; We see a Suffering Savior. Isaiah 53 is divided in couplets of three verses and it is last of the ‘Servant songs’ which starts from Isaiah 42.

Isaiah 52:13-15: The Success of the Servant
Isaiah 53:1-3 : The Story of the Servant
Isaiah 53:4-6 : The Suffering of the Servant
Isaiah 53:7-9 : The Submission of the Servant
Isaiah 53:10-13: The Sacrifice of the Servant