In this 3rd sermon in the Study Series on Spiritual Warfare, Br. Nelson thomas answer tow major questions regarding it
1.What is the guarantee of victory for a Christian in this battle?
a. Position in Lord’s Victory- John 16:33
b. Resources in Christ- Eph 6:10
c. Protection in Christ- Job 1:15
d. Prayer of Christ- Luke 22:32
2. Why a Christian still fights?
a. Devil’s claim because of Past History- Jude 1:9
b. Indwelling fleshly lusts – 1 Peter 2:11
c. Living in a Wicked World- 1 John 5:17
d. Being a part of the Body of Christ- I Cor 12:27
e. Devil’s time is short- Rev 12:12
f. A part of God’s Design- 2 Cor 12:7