Br. Alexander Kurian undertaking an exposition on the book of Hebrews, speaks about the High Priestly Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Writer to Hebrews, presents Christology like no other epistle.
Br. Kurian shares His thoughts on how the High Priestly Ministry of Christ is the greatest comfort for an aching and wounded heart.
The Ministries of Christ as seen in the book of Hebrews are
1. Representation: Hebrews 9:24–> He is there for us before God
2. Intercession: Hebrews 7:25–> He ever lives to make intercession for us
3. Mediation: Hebrews 8:6, 9:15, 12:24–> He stands between God and Man
4. Inauguration: Hebrews 10:20–> Inaugurating a new way for us
5. Benediction: Hebrews 9:28–> He returns to bless His People