12 Disciples of Jesus: Andrew

Andrew the apostle exemplified bringing others to Christ – his brother Simon Peter, a boy with loaves and fishes, and Greeks seeking Jesus. This sermon explores Andrew’s zeal for evangelism and desire to learn about Christ’s return, inspiring believers to follow his example in sharing the gospel and studying prophecy.

12 Disciples of Jesus: Peter – Part 1

Simon, as he was born, was born in the small town of Bethsaida, which is on the north side of Galilee. “Now Philip was of Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.” (John 1:44) His name was Jonah, or Simon, son of Jonas, while Jonah is what he’s called. So his father’s name was Jonah. And at some point, Peter, his wife, his brother Andrew, and his mother-in-law moved to the bigger town of Capernaum, where Jesus would come to live after he was rejected at Nazareth. He became a believer when Andrew, his brother, introduced him to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Nitish Patel at Borivali AssemblyPassage of Reference:Matthew 17: 24-27Br Nitish conducts an expository study on the only miracle which Lord performed for Himself. Through this simple incident in the life of Lord Jesus, many precious lessons on Godhead, namely His Omnipotence, Omniscence & Omnipresence is learned.

LITTLE PEOPLE OF THE BIBLE – NAMAAN’S MAID – Br. Nitish Patel-[Audio sermon]

She suffered a great tragedy as she was ripped away from her parents at such a young age and taken as a slave to a foreign land.She had to learn a new language and get used to new country, new customs, new food, new masters.She had to put up with all the false religion and idolatry around her.She must have been broken hearted and homesick missing her parents. We cannot understand the distress she must have gone through.