Psalm 46:10- He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;Genesis 16: 9- The angel of the Lord told her, “You must go back to your mistress and submit to her authority.Genesis 16: 13 So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are ‘God who sees,’ because I have truly seen the one who looks after me.”Psalm 32: 8- I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go: I will guide thee with mine eye.We often pray with a rightful conviction that our God with infinite resources and omnipotence can answer all our prayers instantly and immediately. This feeling is further cemented by our lifestyle in a fast-pace world, where we are spoiled with instant gratification and instant responses. In turn we desire quick answers, quick fixes and expect that God too will rush through our prayers.But in the Bible, God often demanded his saints to wait on Him; testing and trying their patience. Moreover, He sometimes desires to change us rather than the situation we want to be changed. Sometimes He answers our prayers discreetly, demanding our closeness and nearness to Him. These unusual answers to our prayers is yet another display of God’s love and parenting of His children


Bro Jobin John brings out an important question that we need to ask ourselves whether you are a “DISCIPLE” or just one in a crowd. Do you follow Jesus to see some miracles, to be healed from your sickness or to have your daily bread?If not, Do you give your complete love to God, how many times do you proclaim that you love our Lord and that He is one, do you take up the cross and follow Lord Jesus Christ, do live your life with accordance with how God wants you to live or do you live with the flow, what sacrifices have you made for the Lord?There are two kinds of people. 1. There is a Crowd and 2. There is a Disciple. The difference between both of them is not only the name but also that the crowd only likes the Lord and the disciple “Loves” the LordIf you want to be the Disciple of Lord Jesus Christ and live a life for Him and Love him then Bro Jobin gives some points which can help you to be His disciple.Give Jesus your complete Love/AttentionTake up the Cross and Follow Jesus, Crucify your old manLive your life with proper planning

DOES THE WORD OF GOD HAVE AUTHORITY OVER YOU? – Bro Jobin John Mathew – [Audio Sermon]

We read in Mark 12:28 onwards about the teacher of the law who questioned the Lord about the greatest commandment and we see the wonderful way the Lord replies to him.The three major aspects of Christain living is mentioned in the Lord’s answer. When we say we believe in One God do we really give Him that place in our life??When we have faith in His Word do we give the Word of God authority over our life?? If there is anything that hinders our love for the Lord let us place it at the Feet of Lord and be living examples for the Lord.

FRIENDSHIP – [ Audio Sermon]

The Savior has called his disciples as his friends. What does that mean? As friends, he has shared secrets with them. Real friendship requires sacrifices. Disciples were made aware of the need to love each other and even lay down life for each other. In a similar way, believers are exhorted to love each other and be kind to each other as friends. Deep bonds should be made and we mus exhort each other. There are over 20 expressions of “one another” in NT which speak of our work towards each other. Exhort one another, love one another, forgiving one another, long-suffering and forbearance to each other are all hallmarks of a friend.

BIBLICAL HISTORY and CHRONOLOGY – Secular Chronology – Bro Johnny Varghese – [Audio sermon]

The Assyrians and Babylonians maintained historical records in which astronomical events were listed. By correlating these records with astronomical calculations modern historians have been able to establish the dates for important events in the history of Assyria and Babylon. Since some of these events and characters are also mentioned in the Bible, they provide anchors to establish the chronology of Biblical events. There exists a good synchronization between the records in Kings and Chronicles, archeological and historical records from Babylon and Assyria.The Biblical chronology gives 4000 BC for the start of the human race. This conflicts with secular chronology, which is based on evolution theory and radiometric dating. However, radiometric dating is fraught with assumptions and therefore does not discredit the Biblical timeframe. Evidence for a young earth is also considered.