ABC OF GODLINESS- Br. Oommen Philip – [Audio- video sermon]

Br.Oommen expounds the importance of Godliness. Godliness is a measure of devotion, commitment, holiness to God. Furthermore he expounds on “ABC” forA to mean age and maturity of a Christian,B to mean Blessing, Birthday and Beauty. It is important for all Christians to have a second birthday when they are born again by accepting Christ as their personal savior.C means Character of a Christian which is an ability to say “No to the World and Yes to Christ”.

ROAD TO EMMAUS – Br. Benjamin Alexander- [Audio sermon]

Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Benjamin Alexander at Borivali Assembly on 23 March, 2014Passage of Reference: Luke 24:13-34On the resurrection day, Luke 24 gives an account of Lord Jesus talking with two disciples on the road to Emmaus for approximately 3 hours. These disciple were not part of the chosen 12, neither were they prominent public figures like the twelve, rather they were simple ordinary disciples. Yet the Lord drew near, lovingly inquired and ultimately explained ‘all’ things concerning Him in the Scriptures. Their ‘heart’ burned and the lives of the two disciples were changed forever on the road to Emmaus. Br. Benjamin Alexander conducts an expository study on the passage, drawing out various spiritual lessons for believers.