BEING FAITHFUL TO THE WORD OF GOD- Br. Phil Coulson-[Audio sermon]

Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Phil Coulson at the Maharashtra Family Conference 2013.

When God initially spoke to Samuel, He had a message of judgement for a young Samuel to carry to the household of priests. And Samuel learned his first lesson that listening to God voice can be hard, difficult and costly. God speaks to an open hear that can carry His message faithfully. Br. Phil Coulson in this sermon expounds on the importance of being faithful to the Word that God speaks. For whoever has, will be given more; and will have an abundance. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.

SPEAK LORD FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS – Br. Phil Coulson – [Audio sermon]

Young Samuel heard the voice of the Lord in times of great crises, corrupted priesthood, and when God’s Word was rare to be found. And the words with which Samuel responded to the voice of the Lord- “Speak thy servant heareth” marked the beginning of a Spiritual revival in the nation of Israel. In this introductory message, Br. Phil Coulson delves deep into the wider historical context of old testament priesthood which began with Melchizedek, and was highly corrupted during the days of Samuel. God spoke to Samuel then and still speaks today through the written Word of God.


We often understand our God to be a great God and ponder over what great things we can do for Him. But it is also encouraging to see that this great God is also concerned over matters that men often belittle. Quoting various scripture portions and drawing various spiritual lessons, Br. Thomas John brings to our notice of little things that God does not appreciate and little things that He often appreciates.