Br.Sunil Albert deals with one of the foundational elements of Christian and his Future.
1. Resurrection
2. Rapture
3. Reception
4. Review
5. Rewards
6. Revelation
7. Reign
After having delivered the introductory note to the New commenced Study series on Spiritual Warfare, Br.Nelson Thomas explains 6 features of a Spiritual Warfare:
1. Its a Spiritual Warfare
2. Its a Personal Fight
3. Its a Universal Battle
4. Its a Long Battle
5. Its a Defensive Battle
6. Its only a Battle and War is won.
Br. K. V. Simon- THE 3 "I WILLS" OF LORD JESUS CHRIST- [Sermon] Part 2
Note: This is the 2nd part of this sermon. To listen the 1st part, Visit the following link-
Out of the many “I Will” statements that our Lord made, Br K. V Simon draws Valuable Spiritual Lessons of namely 3 Statements:
1. I will draw all men unto my self.John 12:32
2. I will build the Church. Matthew 16:18
3. I will come again. John 14:3
Br. K. V. Simon- THE 3 "I WILLS" OF LORD JESUS CHRIST- [Sermon] Part 1
Out of the many “I Will” statements that our Lord made, Br K. V Simon draws Valuable Spiritual Lessons of namely 3 Statements:
1. I will draw all men unto my self.John 12:32
2. I will build the Church. Matthew 16:18
3. I will come again. John 14:3
Br. Nelson Thomas- Spiritual Warfare: INTRODUCTION [Sermon]
Starting a new Bible study series at Borivali Assembly, Br. Nelson delivers the introductory note to the series. 6 reasons are presented to as why Christians are often taken unawares of the spiritual warfare that they daily ought to fight