Passage of Reference: Luke 5:1-11
Expounding from a familiar passage, Br.Sunil draws important lessons for a christian seeking a complete surrender, just the way Apostle Peter surrendered before the Lord to be made a fisher of men.
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Note: This is the 2nd part of this sermon. To listen the 1st part, Visit the following link-
Out of the many “I Will” statements that our Lord made, Br K. V Simon draws Valuable Spiritual Lessons of namely 3 Statements:
1. I will draw all men unto my self.John 12:32
2. I will build the Church. Matthew 16:18
3. I will come again. John 14:3
Out of the many “I Will” statements that our Lord made, Br K. V Simon draws Valuable Spiritual Lessons of namely 3 Statements:
1. I will draw all men unto my self.John 12:32
2. I will build the Church. Matthew 16:18
3. I will come again. John 14:3
Starting a new Bible study series at Borivali Assembly, Br. Nelson delivers the introductory note to the series. 6 reasons are presented to as why Christians are often taken unawares of the spiritual warfare that they daily ought to fight