A comprehensive response to islamic objections raised to biblical faith. Numerous objections, such as the legitimacy of the bible, absurdity of the doctrine of trinity, how it was invented, what does it mean to have one God in three persons, why did Jesus never claim to be God, and the deity and humanity of Jesus are discussed. After discussing freedom leading to immorality, the low cost of forgiveness, and the assurance of salvation, Br. Johnny concludes by discussing the sonship of Jesus Christ and the meaning of the word begotten.
Biblical Election: The Election of Scripture
Br. John Parkinson answers an essential question of what does the Bible mean by Election and Predestination? With the aid of foundational texts, he clarifies common misconceptions about these concepts and gives a straightforward definition for both. He concludes by defining Biblical adoption and clearing up some confusion.
Catholic Objections to Biblical Faith
A comprehensive response to catholic objections raised typically undermine the authority of the bible. Various objections such as importance to traditions of Church fathers vs Bible, right to interpretation of Bible lies only to the church, too many denominations show disunity, the catholic church is oldest, protestants have done evil and the Bible is not to be taken literally are tackled by the speaker.
Book of Ruth – Relationships 2
– Br. Koshy Mathew (Borivali Assembly, 4th July, 2018)Passage of ReferenceRuth 2:4-16, Ephe :6:5-9, Titus 2:9-10, 1 Tim 6:1 Interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to success in life. It is predominantly how your …
Be a Disciple of Jesus Christ- True Discipleship- Bro. Oommen Philip – [Audio-Video Sermon]
An important & encouraging message on being a true and genuine disciple of Lord Jesus Christ.
Br. Koshy Mathew – BOOK OF RUTH – Relationships 1 [Sermon]
– Br. Koshy Mathew (Borivali Assembly, 6th June 2018)Passage of ReferenceRuth 1:1-14 Interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to success in life. It is predominantly how your relationship is with God, with your family, …
Br. Varghese Chacko – TEENAGE RELATIONSHIPS: With Opposite Gender [Sermon]
– Br. Varghese Chacko (Assembly Bible Classes, 29th April 2018.)Relationship with ‘Peers’ takes a whole new meaning when an individual enters Teen-age. Peers often replace Parents for all practical purposes. Along with it comes a …
TEENAGE RELATIONSHIPS: With Parents- Br. Varghese Chacko – [Sermon]
“Relationship with ‘Teens and Parents’ are more or less like ‘Wife and Mother-in-laws’, but with one big difference. Most of the Teen start appreciating their Parents later in life!! What then is the fuzz? Why a Teen find himself at loggerhead with his Parents? Here in this Video Varghese Chacko gives a perspective that is woven through Psychological reasoning and Spiritual basis… A ‘Must Watch’ for all Teens and their Parents.
REPENTANCE IN THE CHURCH – Proverbs 5:24 [Audio sermon]
The church can consist of people who are hurting, distressed and of dire need of help. It can very well consist of people who are actively involved in the gathering, but who also are come to the verge of destruction. In the wise words of Solomon, it can consist of a person who cries that he has come to atmost ruin and is lost in the middle of the gathering.
This tragedy cannot be overlooked. It calls for whole hearted repentance in the church. This message stresses on the importance of repentance in the church.
Surety of Salvation – Romans 8:24-39 [Sermon]
Paul in this passage begins his concluding arguments to the superiority of the gospel over everything of the Old Testament. The objective, firm and pointed discourse on the gospel which began from chapter 1 aptly ends here by delving into the security of Salvation. What is the guarantee that God will see through the new work he has begun and succeed? To answer this question, Paul brings three vital truths- namely being the prayer of the Spirit, glorification of the Saints and the love of the Son.After having established the surety of Salvation, the pertinent question we believers will have to answer is – how shall we respond to such a teaching? Can we allow complacency and laziness slip-in, given that our souls are secured?