Having Peace with God

Dear reader, I have something to ask you. What is the one thing that you lack the most when it comes to knowing God? What is it that has always put you and God at opposite ends? What is this hindrance that throws you back when you come close to God?  What is this thing that comes between you and God??

The bible says its one and singular- SIN. For all have sinned before God. We are all sinners before his Holy eyes. There’s is none good. None that seeks after God. There is none righteous before him. We all are without hope, without strength and without God in this world.

Our sins have taken us far from God so much that we are in enmity with God. We are simply enemies before Him. God and man cannot come together, never get along with each other, as long as there is sin. The reason we don’t find peace in this world is because we don’t have peace with God. We cannot love our neighbors, our relatives the way we ought to, simply because peace has been lost with God in first place. Everything boils down to the relationship we have with our creator and the bible says it is at its lowest level because sin has simply caused us to be strangers and aliens to God.

And hence there is nothing more important than to have peace with God.

But this is is not an impossibility. Actually this is God’s greatest will, that you should be in peace with Him. Have you known peace with God? In this world that lacks peace in all forms and circumstances, can peace be realized?

The words of Lord Jesus are emphatic for today’s World- “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.“- John 14:27. Notice it carefully, peace is always established and never transferred. But for the first time, peace is transferred from one person to another. And Lord Jesus makes it clear that this world cannot provide you with such a peace. Because the world itself lacks peace. None can give you such peace because we all need peace with God.

The verse is clear- only He alone, Jesus Christ establishes peace with God. And the reason why only He can establish this peace with God is simply because, unlike us He is sinless. The Bible writes about Him – He did no sin, He knew no sin, and in Him is no sin. He is the Son of God and hence there could no sin be found in him. Obviously, only such one can have peace with God the Father. And in turn He becomes eligible to establish peace on our behalf with God the Father. Moreover the bible says He himself is the peace and the Prince of peace. Peace with God can be realized only thought the Son of God because He is peace himself and He is in peace with God the Father.

But my friend, this peace did not come cheap. It was not simply said and done. Neither was it simply named and claimed.

Peace could be only established with the abolishment of your sins. If only your sins that blocks your way to God were done away with, you could find peace. That is just what the Son of God -Jesus Christ did for you.

The bible says he being God took upon himself all our sins. And as he was nailed to the Roman cross, he bore those same sins that God hates in his body. And for this cause He suffered punishment of each and every sin we committed. The bible says that the wages of sin is death. And this is just what happened; when Jesus took upon himself all our sins not sparing even one, He simply died. Because death is the punishment of sins.

But it didn’t get over yet. He simply did not succumb to our sins. Because on the third day, he rose victorious over death and all our sins. Done away with all our sins and its punishment, he is today a living God.

Dear friend , Jesus himself who is peace can only establish peace for your sake with God. And it’s only possible if you were to let him do it for you.

Peace cannot be established alongside your sins. Hence all of your sins were judged and done away on the cross of Christ. But now it’s your turn to discard and reject them with perfect hatred. For the bible says to repent. TO turn from your sins and turn to Jesus your savior and peacemaker. Be sorry of those same sins for which Jesus died. Hate what God hates and find displeasure in all what displeases God. For each time you sinned, you simply sinned against God. And it’s only to Him you should ask forgiveness.

If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness– 1 John 1:8,9.

Reach out to God today and come to your savior asking forgiveness of all your sins. He has got rid of all the punishment of sin. Now it’s time for you to reject and ask God to forgive you through His Son Jesus Christ- for ‘we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.‘- Romans 5:1


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