Verse for Today: Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Genesis 21:19 – Then God opened Hagar’s eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled her (water container) and gave the boy a drink.

If we want to see the provisions God had made for us, we need our eyes opened. Then we will see that our God is willing and able to perform a great miracle for His people even in the midst of a desert and provide them with water of life to sustain them. His provision is not a few drops of water in a bucket, but a well full of water so that the thirsty could drink to their brink. God sees our needs and He understands our exasperation. He knows how desperate we are and how important that we get a drink to heal our parched throats. He will not watch inactive when His children suffer in desperation. Even in the mist of the great impossibilities in this world, God can still open a well full of water to meet the need. You and I can only take a small container full of water for our immediate need, but God’s well is full for us to draw as much as we need. Even after we fetch some, there is still water for us to draw and He is inviting us to keep going back to the well of His living water to drink. Even from the most unlikely corners of this world, God hears our cries for help and will open a door for us. When He opens a door for us, God will also open our eyes to see the door He has opened. Our God is a compassionate Father who shows mercy to us at the right time. He is concerned about grown-ups as well as children. He is especially concerned when children cry unto them. But He often uses the parents to give the children water. Children are God’s and the water is God’s. Parents are also God’s instruments for children to be nourished and quenched. But we are warned that this world has a lot of broken cisterns with lukewarm water which will make us all sick. God doesn’t want us to drink such sickening and deadly water which will lead to shipwreck. Instead, God has provided His best for His children when they go through the most difficult times in their lives. He will not forsake us nor leave us alone. He will meet our needs whether we are in a city or in a desert, lonely and lost.

Dear friend, are you thirsty and experiencing anguish in your soul because of the struggle you are going through? Are you gasping for help and crying out loud, looking for help? Do you feel that you are in the most unlikely place to get yourself noticed by any one? Do you feel that it is impossible to find a well full of water in a desert where you are now? Remember, our God is there with you no matter where you are. His eyes are upon you and He understands your needs and desires. He is well aware of your desperation and struggle. If you are asking for a drink, He has a well for you instead. If your eyes are closed because of weariness and fear of the unexpected, He will open it at the right time to see the miracle He has prepared for you. He will show you a way to go forward even in the most impossible circumstances. He will strengthen you to go to the well or the way He shows you and will enable you to reach out to draw His resources to strengthen yourself. He has a great plan for you and would not want you to be in any place other than His best for you. He wants you to go miles to accomplish His purpose in your life, and is making available His resources to help you go forward. He wants you to move above and beyond your constraining circumstances and claim victory by faith. The present state of a desert in your life is not a place of hopelessness, but opportunity for you to make use of the ways open before you by the Lord. It is not a place of weakness, but strength because the strength of God is imparted to you. It is a place of hope in God and is absolutely futuristic. It is a place to seek God’s guidance and His resources to enable and equip you to move forward in His will. This is not a time to break your heart and divine opportunities which are laid bare in front of you, but a time of true brokenness about your total inadequacy and seek the face of the Lord to keep moving forward. This is the day the Lord has made for you to open your eyes to see and draw upon God’s resources for your sojourn with Him on your side.

2 Kings 6:17 – Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Thought for Today
In our situations of hopelessness, God opens our eyes to see the magnificent preparations He has made for us to advance in His will.

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