Verse for Today: Friday, April 15, 2011

Psalms 34:8 – O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Only those who have tasted something special can encourage and invite others to taste it for full enjoyment. They speak out of their experience which is rich with the taste that they declare to the others. They have the boldness to share their taste with others and are sure that others will also enjoy what they have enjoyed. This is the essence of those who tasted the Lord in their lives. They came from situations where they had to taste bitterness and were in hopeless situations like that of David. All along, life gave him sour and nauseating experiences in the hands of his enemies. But when he trusted God, every thing changed in his life. The enemies were still around him, but in the midst of the darkest valleys and devouring wild animals, the Lord gave him peace and joy and delivered him from the most hopeless situations. When all hope was gone, there was still abundance of hope for him in the Lord. Those around him felt that his story was going to end with darkest scenes. But when David trusted God, the darkness around him turned to bright sunshine. In the most trying and painful circumstances, God sent help and delivered him out of all his troubles. So David’s words challenge us today to boldly taste the Lord and experience the same peace, grace, patience, mercy and compassion that the Lord shows to His beloved children. The same peace, joy and love from God experienced by David are made available to us today no matter how dark our circumstances are.

Dear reader, are you going through tough and rough patches in life today and feeling hopeless? Remember, you live in a hopeless and dark world. But if you trust the Lord, He will give you a future with hope and confidence in life. No circumstance is too hard for the Lord because He can rule your situations and overrule any peril or pestilence from your way. He gives abundance of grace at the right time and in the right measure. You might think that no body can deliver you from the present situation of turmoil that you are in, but nothing is beyond the capacity of the Lord to handle. This truth will pervade in all your circumstances all through your life and on all your days here on earth if you put your faith in the power of the Lord to deliver you. These trials are all opportunities the Lord provides for you to taste the marvelous ways by which He leads and guides you. When you taste the experience of deliverance He provides, you will be able to taste His deep love and compassion towards you. Those who taste the Lord once fill their lives with Him and the joy that He gives to keep going. They receive the holy boldness and confidence from Him to face any difficulties in life. They can tell the world around them about the sweetness of life experiences that the Lord gives to His children and invite them also to this life of joy and hope in the Lord. It enables us to take refuge in the Lord in all circumstances and situations. While we do so, His Spirit fills us with His joy which will be our joy to keep going and growing in our trust in Him. This challenge to taste the Lord is available for us today and every day of our lives to find in Him the deliverance that we all need. It is available for us today for the asking in prayer and for our willingness to trust in Him.

Psalms 23:6 – Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Thought for Today

The goodness of the Lord will establish the taste of the joy of the Lord in the lives of His children as they experience His deliverance.

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