Verse for Today: Friday, April 01, 2011

Matthew 5:3 – Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

True blessedness only comes from God because He is the only truly blessed one who imparts blessedness to those you seek after Him. But only those who are empty can and will go to Him with a broken and poor spirit. If we are full to overflowing with our own self esteem, pride, wisdom and righteousness, we will not have a desire to go to God to be filled with His bliss. We can pray for bliss only when we feel inadequate in our own standing. Spiritual poverty is a consciousness that we are starving for true bliss which only God can give us. It is a feeling that the prodigal son had when he came back to his father to make him at least a servant because he no longer deserved to be the father’s son. Admitting our spiritual poverty is the declaration of our total depravity and inadequacy before God. This is the spirit of brokenness of our self that God wants from us when we go to Him in prayer and supplication and ask that our lives may be filled with God and His character. God knows our hearts and motives and so if we are genuine in our request, God will fill us with Himself and His Spirit. He will regenerate and renew our souls through Jesus Christ and make us seated with Him in the heavenly places. This is the state of having faith and trust in the Lord and in all that He is pleased and willing to give us. When we are thus filled with Him, we will have joy, peace, patience, longsuffering, goodness, gentleness and all the other qualities that are seen in God. It is then that we live here on earth as if we are seated in Heaven. He will then have control over our will, and will help us to exercise our faith in Him to claim all that He has in store for us. While He fills us with divine attributes, He will also give us the faith to trust Him to meet our daily emotional, intellectual and physical needs as well. Such persons, who live in heaven, though present in the world physically, will be able to claim all that they need by faith and live a contented life here on earth.

Dear friend, have you had this experience of brokenness in your spirit? Have you ever felt that you are absolutely poor in your own self and are not capable of receiving God’s blessedness on your own merit? Do you feel that without God you are nothing and that there cannot be any goodness in you without it being supplied by God? It is then that you and I need to go to God with utter brokenness in our self and ask Him to fill us with His heavenly resources. Then He will fill us with Himself and we will have everything that we need all the days of our lives here on earth. Such an experience will give us the assurance and conviction by His Spirit that we are seated with Him in the heavenly places and we enjoy all His resources. It is then that we can truly pray and ask for those heavenly blessings that are on a higher ground rather than the mundane things on earth. When we are thus with Him all the time, our desires will be for the heavenly and no more for the earthly. We will think more of the Lord and less of ourselves. We will speak more to Him than to man. We will go to Him with our every need rather than to man. He has enough room at His presence for us to drop in all our burdens and difficulties. He will then take over all our affairs, including all our battles, and put it on Himself. He will lead and guide us every step of the way and will give us the character that is akin to His. Our hearts will then be filled with true blessedness which is a state of true joy and happiness. We will then stop having anxieties about the unknown tomorrows because He knows our tomorrows and will provide for our every need. Let us today go to the Lord with a broken heart and declare our nothingness to Him and ask Him to fill us with all that is there in the heavenly places.

Psalms 34:8 – O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Thought for Today

God will impart true blessedness to us when we are ready to admit our nothingness to Him.

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