Cover up, … cover up is to hide from others getting to know. This term was commonly used during the 1972 water gate scandal, when the US president Nixon covered up his staff’s wrong doings A definition that says what it better would mean is this – An effort or strategy of concealment
But before fingers are pointed at US president Nixon, or lately even bill Clinton etc… it would be good to see where it is found in the scripture.
Its then you realize “cover up” was as old as man himself. It started in the beautiful Garden of Eden. When Man sinned, he knew he had to cover himself up. He had to hide. He was afraid. He covered himself up, yes with fig leaves.
And even up to this age, man has not changed, we all have enough faults to cover up. It could even be simple and harmless things like saying your where late to office/school/church for so called valid reasons like traffic etc…, when the actual reason may be that you over slept. Even now we may cringe in shame if each and every thoughts of our mind and the times of our life be laid open and bare before other people.
But God did have much mercy on us – great mercy, mercy higher than the heavens. On the cross our sins, the sins of mankind was laid. On the spotless, the lowly, the lovely, the fairest Lord Jesus. That our sins and guilt be washed away, with all its guilty stains. Yes he heard our pitiable cry for help, to lift us up and place our foot on the rock.
To proclaim with confidence what the psalmist says –
Ps 32:1 Blessed is the one whose Transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.
And As King Solomon said
Proverbs 10 :12 Love covers all sin
Ye! My sins are covered, not any more by fig leaves of self righteousness and self effort. But by his own very precious Blood, by the grace that he endows us with
Rejoice and Praise his name, the one who is faithful and just.. Amen
Merwin Koshy
Related Article: Sins Covered!!!