G. Raja Rao studied up to primary school level in Telugu. He could only read Telugu. He talked very little,so his peers labelled him a 'dumb man'. But in the hands of the Lord he became His prophetic trumpet. He authored 94 books, is a record in Telugu Christian literature.
G. Raja Rao studied up to primary school level in Telugu. He could only read Telugu. He talked very little,so his peers labelled him a 'dumb man'. But in the hands of the Lord he became His prophetic trumpet. He authored 94 books, is a record in Telugu Christian literature.
God has been choosing a number of persons from Telugu Christian Assemblies to evangelise and equipping them spiritually for His ministry in Andhra Pradesh. Bro. G. Raja Rao stands out as one among the exemplary evangelists so far.
His early life and education
Raja Rao was born in 1937 in Thimmasamudram village near Chirala, Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh. He was the last child in the family of Golla Nallaiah and Kotamma. He had two elder brothers and one elder sister. His mother Kotamma was God fearing, and a reverent woman. God used her to lead him into the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was educated up to primary school level in Telugu, which made him capable of only reading but not writing. In his young age he used to talk minimal and most of the time kept silent and so was even labeled a 'dumb man'.As teenager, he was made to work in tobacco barns and agricultural fields. He gained reputation of completing the assigned tasks with commitment and to perfection. His capability to do hard labour surprised many. His ability to work with numbers (accounting) was incredible which made even his supervising work men come to him to learn.

His Salvation
Though Raja Rao was more a silent person, yet he did not like any one to comment on his behaviour. He responded angrily even with abusive language. His mother Kotamma started receiving complaints from one and all women. She began praying to the Lord to bless Raja Rao with His saving knowledge. One day as she was preparing the fire with wooden sticks to cook food, he came and sat next to her. She asked him to look at the glowing fire and told him assertively that- unbelievers, who do not believe in Jesus Christ as their saviour will be cast into severe, blazing and never ending fire.Eternal burning of unbelievers after death pictured by his mother started him to crave for knowing TRUTH. Sometime later, a stranger sitting under a tree near their house called Raja Rao and made him sit next to him and read a portion from New Testament: Luke 16: 23-31 and expounded that the rich man, who aspired for only riches of the world and not God was sent to eternal fire after his death. Subsequently, Raja Rao heard a brother on a Sunday morning speak on Rom 10:9 and detail the salvation path of God. Having got thus convicted, he repented for his sins and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior in 1952. He was baptized in 1953 when he was 16 years old.
His call for ministry and his Family
Raja Rao developed a life of prayer and concern for perishing souls early on. He did not want to step out for the ministerial work impulsively. The Holy Spirit revealed about his commitment for Lord's work to the assembly and to many believers. The assembly accepted the Holy Spirit's call of Raja Rao to serve Him. Raja Rao began the ministerial work in the villages in and around Thimmasamudram (Acts 1:8). As a beginner, he did not desire for anybody's recognition but went about fulfilling his spiritual ministry looking only unto the Lord.In 1960, he married sister Emelyamma. God blessed them with two sons: David Raju and Isaac Babu.
The younger son Isaac Babu grew up to become a commended worker and presently is continuing in the ministry of our Lord. In his last days Raja Rao shared the word of God with his son Isaac Babu as a cospeaker in a gathering. After listening to his son, he expressed his gratitude to God and said “I am overjoyed to be able to hear my son speak the Word of God and also to be a co speaker with my son”.
Testimonies that transformed his vision
Raja Rao modelled his ministry based on the lives of different God's servants. The following two narratives from him will reveal direction opted by him.Raja Rao read about a person who accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, after hearing the gospel from John Harper in Harper's last critical moments. “About four years back, I was travelling in TITANIC ship from England. Unimaginable catastrophe struck us. TITANIC ship wrecked and started sinking. I was a great sinner and had no fear of God. Along with many co-passengers, I too fell into the sea. I got hold of a wooden plank and held on to it dearly and managed to float. Then a person floating like me came and asked me “Are you saved?” I said “no”. He then said 'Believe on the lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved”. Momentarily the sea waves separated us but soon brought us together again. Harper reiterated without fear of drowning “Did you get saved?” I repeated “no”. He then pleaded “You need to believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.” The waves separated us for last time and made him drift away. The depth of sea water beneath me at that spot was about more than 3 km. I could hear him proclaim the gospel loudly to many drowning persons. Finally, I heard John Harper concluding “I am going to the Lord” and began to sink into the sea. I was pierced in my heart; I prayed to the Lord to save me and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour right at that moment”. After reading that witness, Raja Rao dedicated himself to sacrifice his life for the cause of proclaiming the gospel. Raja Rao narrated this during his ministry.
Raja Rao also narrated, “In a great city, there lived a man, poor and not highly educated. He had a tea stall for his livelihood. He had an unusual habit of picking up used and disposed off news papers and reading the contents on those scrap papers. From habit of such reading, he acquired proficiency to write and even learnt different languages. Later, he became a writer of repute too.” Raja Rao got encouraged and decided to read The Bible and many related books from then on. This determination not only made him a vivid reader but subsequently made him to become an author of commentaries in Telugu on all books of the Bible and a few other related topics.
Church planting and literature ministry
Raja Rao loved the Lord's work more than his family and relatives. After working in agricultural fields in daytime, he preached the gospel in surrounding villages in the evenings and late into nights by walking the distances on foot from Thimmasamudram. Villagers used to wait with lanterns at late nights for him to come from adjoining villages. God established 12 churches in Prakasam and Guntur districts through his ministry.He continued preaching in the midst of Telugu believers in different states viz., Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa… He participated in most of the Bible Telugu classes. He took classes in Bible colleges covering book after book of the Bible and each time stayed for a period of 7 or 15 days at a stretch.
Raja Rao was concerned about lack of Telugu Christian literature. He prayed and led by the Holy Spirit he committed himself to write commentaries on Bible books and other spiritual books. Since he did not know to write, he took help of God's children who volunteered and wrote with diligence as he dictated to them. He spent major portion of money in bringing out the spiritual books. He used the gifts of God's children primarily for this ministry. He wrote commentaries on 66 books from Genesis to Revelation. In all, he authored 94 books, a record number.
This literature ministry of Raja Rao has since prospered as his books are being read by believers from all denominations. The readers are praising God as they rejoice His blessings.
Raja Rao and his co workers
Elderly God's servants, S. Prabhudas, S. Anandam, V.Luke, Pavulur Devayya and Davidson saw God given gifts in plenty in Raja Rao and encouraged him in the ministry from his early days.God's servants, V. Sambob, N. Ananda Rao, Paul Gandhi, Vara Prasada Reddy, V Mathew, Koshy Mathew and others who were themselves renowned for their labour for Christ and were co speakers with Raja Rao at various meetings at different places attributed following characteristics to him.
He neither hurt nor reacted when hurt by others. He was a calm and humble person. He was not jealous but appreciated the gifts of God in co-workers openly. Once, he said “I have neither humour to make people laugh like Bro. Vuyyur M. Immanuel nor ability to make people cry like Paul Gandhi”. At another place, he responded to a brother “though no hand was raised accepting the Lord today, yet the Word of God he preached will one day fructify; nevertheless if so-andso brother had spoken, two or three souls may have accepted this Lord that evening”. The brother was humbled to hear such meek words from Raja Rao.
He kept his promises. He was ready to fulfill even if it meant hardship or personal loss to keep his words. He helped monetarily for structures under construction, people in poverty, needy evangelists and for crusades of gospel and many more. He meditated scriptures day and night and prayed for hours together.
Further, a godly sister commented that Raja Rao may not have acquired worldly education but God blessed him with heavenly knowledge to expound the scriptures. He encouraged sisters to assist him by writing the commentaries on Bible books: Esther and Ruth.
In Mumbai, Raja Rao presented himself in common man's dress: white dhoti and white shirt. He expounded scriptures in depth.
Believers from English assemblies listened to his translated messages on all days and praised God. Subsequently they even enquired as to when he would camp next in Mumbai. He kept visiting Mumbai along with Bro. V. Sambob every year for several years as long as his health permitted to share the Word of God.
He was not only instrumental in bringing many to accept Jesus Christ as saviour, establish assemblies but also guided many families to behave in the Biblical pathway to be true children of God. He used to clarify often that each of the warring groups who came to him for getting issues resolved felt that he was biased in favour of the opposite group because he was basically against quarrels and wanted each group to forgive and forget and take the side of the Lord.
Home call
In Raja Rao's last few months, he continued holding onto prayer and Bible study as his daily activities. He enquired about the ministry details of other evangelists and prayed for them. Further, Raja Rao resided along with his wife at homes of his sons David and Issac Babu and did not burden assemblies where he laboured. He continued praying for the unity in the midst of assemblies till the end. Our loving Lord called Bro. G Raja Rao to heavenly abode on 11 April 2012.– V E Chandrashekar
This article originally appeared in the Harvest Times magazine's July 2015 issue.