Verse for Today: Thursday, Aprl 14, 2011
Psalms 116:6 – The Lord preserves the simple-hearted; I was brought low and He saved me.

The world holds the feeling that simple hearted people are weak, unintelligent and not smart. The world expects successful people to be smart in their conversation and manners. Any one who is simple and straightforward in their dealings is considered a failure and a misfit in a world which is in a rat race for success, popularity and prestige. But the Lord is looking for humble and simple people who are ever aware of their own inadequacies and weaknesses. They are broken in their spirits and they depend on the Lord and His power to exist in this world. They are not seeking to please man, but would only want to please God at any cost. They are not trying to measure up to the rich, popular and prestigious people of this world. They are not interested in imitating the flamboyant lifestyle of the worldly, but would rather imitate the humility of the Lord Jesus who had no place to lay His head when foxes had their holes and birds had their nests. They do not retaliate when the world brings them down and declares them to be losers. They rejoice when their names are tarnished or when others falsely speak all kinds of evil against them. But the Lord honors their simplicity in all that they do. Even though they are considered low by the world, the Lord considers them great because they are His precious children. He saves them from the low estate that they are brought in by the world. He delivers them from all the troubles that the world put them in. He rescues and delivers them and put their feet on the Rock of Ages.

Simplicity is a trait that our Lord Jesus portrayed in His earthly life. It was the life style that Joseph and Daniel followed while they served both in low and high places in the world. Simplicity was a great virtue that Apostle Paul had in spite of the fact that he was one of the most learned persons in his generation. Down through the ages, eminent persons left all the prestige that they had in the world and became simple in their behavior, speech, dress, possessions, facial expressions, eating habits, dwelling places and connections with higher-ups for the sake of the cross of Jesus Christ and pursued low levels of life. They will all be honoured by the Lord at the Judgement Seat (Bema). The Lord will lift them up in His presence and only then even their fellow saints will know their greatness. When we all get to heaven and see the glory and the greatness of the Lord Jesus in its full spectrum, we will see that even those who receive crowns from Him will put it all at His feet and fall prostrate to worship Him. So if you are brought down by the enemy of your soul by using other humans or some manipulated circumstances, there is no need for you to feel depressed. Instead, you and I need to rejoice when we are resented and rejected by the world. Our Lord will lift us up and deliver us from the snares of the world. He will see to it that we are cared for in mysterious ways so that we would have a full and abundant life for the glory of the Lord here on earth. Let us await the glorious day when He will truly lift us up and reward us for all that we have rejected in this world for the sake of our Lord and His old rugged cross.

Matthew 11:29 – Take My yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Thought for Today
If we are not genuinely humble and simple before God, He will have to teach us humility in the hard way.

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