Jesus Bowed his head
Passage of reference John 19:30
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
Two things we glean from this passage:
- Completed Sacrifice:
The sacrifice of lord Jesus Christ was a completed work. No part was remaining as he cried out in victory “It is finished”. Never again will there be never a need to offer a sacrifice in propitiation for sins. Never again will be blood shed for salvation. The Lord Jesus Christ was offered once and for all. The writer to the Hebrewes draws inspiration from the completed work and compares the old provisions under Mosaic Law and the sacrifice of Christ. Hebrewes 10:11-18
11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God. 13Since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool, 14because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. 17Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts, I will remember no more.”[c] 18And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin.
Under the mosaic Law described in Vs 11, notice the usage of the words daily, repeatedly, standing and never take away sins. Those were the defining features of the sacrifice under the mosaic law, it was an unsuccessful attempt by unholy men to please a holy God. Verse 12 onwards we read the important features concerning the sacrifice of the Lord. Notice the usage of the words: once, sitting and sins I will remember no more. Therefore the sacrifice of Lord on the cross was a successful sacrifice that take away our sins. It has been offered once and never again will it offered. The Lord has now sat down at the right hand of the father and hence it is a completed sacrifice.
- Controlled Sacrifice
The sacrrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ was a controlled sacrifice. It was controlled by the minute by God the father. No part of the sacrifice was left to chance. Notice the order of the events at the cross: “He bowed his head and then gave up his ghost” Not the other way around. The question though is why did the Lord have to bow his head.
2 Corinthians 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
Galatians 3:13
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree”.
Psalm 3:3
But you are a shield around me, O LORD;
you bestow glory on me and lift [b] up my head.
An adaptation:
O that Holy head, once gloriousIn Father Bosom, once JoyousWhat Bliss was thine till nowHeaven Honor, angels bowO that Holy head, now woundedIn the hands of men, Scornfully surroundedOur sins, weighed his headIn shame he bowed his headIn glory I lifted my head.O that sacred head.
Jesus bowed His head and died so that we may sing like the Psalmist: “He is My Glory and the Lifter of my Head”