Verse for Today: Friday, April 08, 2011

Matthew 6:34 – So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Human beings are so prone to think, plan and wait for their tomorrows enjoy life. They become anxious about what might or might not happen on the day which is yet to be born. They spend a lot of their quality time and energy on what is yet to come and seem not having enough time to live and enjoy what is available with them each day. This trend has become universal which has pushed the world into a place full of anxiety. But the world has not understood that there is enough of God’s benevolence for man to enjoy each day. In their rat race people run after what might come their way the next day or in the near or distant future. But God’s children are not expected to live on their tomorrows, but live daily. Their God has given them enough opportunities and resources to live and enjoy a day at a time. They are also accountable to God for the way they make use of the opportunities and resources given to them by God to live to please Him. When we live a day at a time, we have the privilege to enjoy what God gives us each day and thank Him for it. Then we will be truly thankful to God for each day. God has promised and Jesus has renewed the promise that He will care for His children on a daily basis and that they should plan to live each day by using all the blessings that are provided for them. But if we live with anxiety about our tomorrows, we should not have the time and energy to live and enjoy the opportunities and resources of each day.

Dear reader, are you more concerned about living today or tomorrow? You are given the challenge by God to live today by making use of all that He has given you and leave your tomorrows to Him to look after. Tomorrow has not arrived yet and when we reach tomorrow, the Lord will be there to provide for us. That is why we do not need to store up for our tomorrows. God has already prepared for our tomorrows and will make it all available for us to enjoy with grateful hearts. But today if we put all our energies to prepare for our tomorrows, we would not have the time or energy to live and enjoy what God has given us for our use today. The world and its people stopped trusting God for their tomorrows and put all their energies into preparing for tomorrows. This syndrome has crept into God’s children through the strategies of the enemy of our souls and so we also fall into the temptation of living in our imaginary tomorrows. It is a marked mistrust and distrust on our God if we live for our tomorrows and not for our today. Let us each day ask for grace to enjoy what God gives us on that day and thank Him for His daily provisions. Let us use the resources God has given us on a daily basis to glorify Him and for the extension of His kingdom. We should realize that man is the only creature who is anxious about his tomorrows. All other creatures live on a daily basis. We are to seek first His kingdom and its righteousness today by using God’s resources to live today, trusting God will look after our tomorrows. There will be new challenges and troubles tomorrow and God will give us the necessary grace for us to deal with it all by using His resources because He is the same yesterday and today and forever. Let us live in the present and have all our hope and trust for our tomorrows and eternity in God. There will surely be no disappointment with our God and His promises for all our tomorrows.

Psalms 23: 6 – Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall live in the house of the Lord forever.

Thought for Today

When we live in anxiety about our tomorrows, we are guilty about wasting the blessings God has given us today to live joyfully.

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