MARRIAGES THAT DON’T END WELL (Genesis 27) – Br. Oommen Philip [Audio sermon]


Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Oommen Philip at Borivali Assembly on 4 May, 2014.

Passage of Reference : Gen 27:1-5

All marriages begin in joy, jubilation & with a lot of funfair! But, marriages are susceptible to sad ending if Christians are not watchful. Just as it takes a diamond to cut another diamond, the enemy always tries to set life partners at each other to cut, bruise and hurt. In a Christian family, when prayer takes backseat and spiritual vision gets dimmed, communication gets short-circuited & relationships become sour.

Christian couples must renew their commitment to each other and pray together. They should crucify their fleshly appetites, and renew and rebuild their relationship. They should never fall a prey to win battles between them or use their children to trick each other for short term gains. It is high time Christians learn powerful lessons from the lives of Issac & Rebekah, to start their family lives well and never allow their families to get fragmented because of messed up priorities.

So here’s a question to ponder, if someone asks yours child for a feedback on the quality of your family life, what do you think will comprise your child’s response? Will it be positive? or negative? or just so-so?

Audio Sermon

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