Verse for Today: Monday, March 07, 2011
Matthew 6:33 – But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Man is a seeker all his life. At different stages of his life, he seeks different things to satisfy his immediate and future needs on the basis of his desires and priorities. His priorities and desires are often directed by his instincts, foresight, taste, preferences, cravings, likes and dislikes which are controlled by what he knows and what he is attracted to. When these are controlled by the world, flesh and Satan through his five senses, he goes in the ways of the world. But a child of God is to desire and seek God and godly things as his priority. God has promised that if we seek after Him, we will have real contentment and purposefulness in life. As we seek Him, our soul is satisfied and our basic human needs will also be met by the Lord. This is the order of desires and priorities that man is to seek, but his first priority above all other things has to be God and His business. God’s children are to seek genuinely for God. Any haphazard way of seeking after God is superfluous and external. God looks at our motives and thoughts to see if we genuinely seek after Him. If only we are right in our desires on the inside will we find true satisfaction in our hearts. When God challenges us to prove our allegiance to Him by desiring Him and His business above all things, He is looking into us to see if we respond accordingly. If we are found to seek genuinely for Him and His business, He will fill our hearts with Himself and matters concerning His ways. Otherwise, we will find our hearts and lives filled with matters of the world and our own selfish desires. It is a great blessing to seek for the Lord and get our sustenance from Him as it pleases Him.

Dear reader, are you a genuine seeker of God and His business in this world? Have you had occasions when you sought after the affairs of the world and your selfish desires, yet had expressed interest in God’s matters also? Remember, you cannot have two priorities at the same time. Either your first priority is God or He is no priority at all. You have the freedom to seek after the world, but be sure to know that it will never give you lasting satisfaction in life. Your desires for the world will keep enlarging and extending day after day and finally swallow you with all your resources for its own glory. But if you seek after God, He will fill you with His glory and use you to glorify Him. This way, you and God will work together and seek to fulfill His desires in this world for the extension of His kingdom and His righteousness in the lives of the people around you. A genuine seeker will only find God and His righteousness in all areas of His life. Such a person might not become successful according to the world’s standards. His standards in life will become that of God and as given in His Word. He will love all whom God loves and hates sin which is hated by God. In all matters, he will have the desire that the righteousness of God is fulfilled in the lives of those who do not know God and so he will do everything possible to spread the good news of God’s salvation. While he purses after the will of God and His standards in his life, the child of God will find that God looks after his business and meets all his needs according to His riches in glory. Such a divine approach to life takes away all our anxieties about the future. It gives meaningful priority in life for God’s children. They will work hard to make a living for themselves and their families, but their priority will always be the Lord, His kingdom and His righteousness. All God’s children at all times have this challenge before them to make God their ultimate priority and focus in life which is the way to live a contended life here on earth for the glory of God.

Matthew 7:7 – Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Thought for Today
Only those who have God as their priority can genuinely sing that He is their every thing both great and small.

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