Verse for Today: Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Psalms 34:6 – This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; He saved Him out of all his troubles.

Our attitude to both our own self and to God are equally important when we pray to God for help. When we truly confess our nothingness to God, we qualify for our prayers to be answered. God does not answer the proud who are self-sufficient. It is also important for us to know who God is as we go to Him in prayer. We need to recognize Him as the Owner of all that exist and the One who has all the resources at His disposal. Our God always wants to give because He knows that we are needy and at the same time He has all that we all need to meet our needs. This realization makes His children go to Him, confessing our poverty and nothingness. When we admit our total depravity, He hears our prayers and gives us all that we need to live a contented life here on earth to serve Him. When we are totally helpless and there is not even a straw to hold on to, we go to the Lord in the depth of our weakness and powerlessness. This is the point of total brokenness in our souls when we have nothing to claim as our merit. So when we pray in the spirit of true brokenness and emptiness, we qualify to be heard by God. He has promised to deliver such of His children from all their troubles. God knows that His children have a lot of troubles in this world because they live in the enemy territory and have to confront the enemy and his tactics each moment of our lives. We do not need to fight the enemy in our own strength, but in the strength of God which He is willing to give us to empower us to meet the challenges in life.

Dear friend, are you calling on to the Lord for all your needs and at all times when you are in trouble? Are your prayers coming out of the true realization of your nothingness and His abundance? Do you recognize that you are in the enemy territory and that you are faced with troubles of various kinds and that the Lord alone is strong enough to deliver you from these adversities? If you go to Him in prayer after confessing your powerlessness, He will give you His power. If you lack faith, it will be given to you to fill your heart with hope and trust in God and His power. If you lack strength to stand up against the wiles of the enemy, the Lord will give it to you through His Spirit and Word. But it presupposes the experiences of Abraham, Jacob, Isaiah, Paul and scores of others who confessed how insignificant they were and how strong and mighty their God was. David was in such a situation of trouble all around him, even after he was anointed to be king of Israel. He was the king without a throne and a crown. His kingdom could not be ruled by David because of the trouble he had from within and without. His wife, father-in-law and the neighbouring kings were all against him, not because he did any thing against them. He often had no one to support him and no place to go, to hide from the enemies. In such moments, David had the presence of God to go to. He was often in highly precarious situations and within striking distance of the enemies, and thought that he would soon be annihilated. But David prayed, the Lord heard His prayers and delivered him from all his enemies to finally establish his kingdom, throne and crown. This was because David was chosen by God and he was a man after God’s own heart who often confessed his nothingness and God’s all-sufficiency. Let us today draw nigh unto the God of David, confess our total depravity and His abundance and ask Him for His strength in the midst of all our troubles. He will surely listen to us and answer our prayers to give us deliverance and victory.

Psalms 34:17 – The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; He delivers them from all their troubles.

Thought for Today

When our hearts are right with God, our prayers will work as windows through which God will shower blessings upon us.

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