Verse for Today: Monday, April 11, 2011
Psalms 4:3 – Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for Himself; the Lord will hear when I call to Him.
We are often challenged by the world around us about our faith in the unseen God and in His unlimited power to deliver us from the difficult circumstances we go through. At that time, we are given confidence and courage from the word of God. Our testimony is on the basis of what we have experienced, heard, understood and believed to be true and also on the basis of the experience of scores of God’s children through the centuries. The Spirit of God who lives in us will give us the sure word of faith that our God knows us well and we are His special people in this world. Our faith is strengthened by God to enable us to be bold in testifying to the unbelieving world around us that our God has set us apart before the foundation of the world was laid. He had seen us in and through Jesus Christ and designed a life of faith for us which He unfolds one day at a time. He allows us to live that life by faith and trust in the infinite grace and providence of God which is given to us as per our need. Our times are in His hands and there is a divine purposefulness about our lives. This truth is known only to those who know the secrets of God as revealed to them by His Spirit on a daily basis. We can thus testify to the faithfulness of our God in identifying us, designing our lives and in providing the resources for His plan to be fulfilled in our lives in a systematic way. He has prepared everything for our lives and gives it to us in needed increments on a step by step basis as we pray and trust Him to give it to us. In the midst of enemies, the Lord anoints us with His oil and allows us to feast from the table He sets before us. His table is full of heavenly resources for our use on a daily basis to the extent that our cup runs over with His blessings. When we experience it daily, we can challenge the people around us to find it out for their sake the way our Lord has set us apart to hear our prayers and answer us in times of need.
Dear friend, do you face any challenge from the world around you about your faith in the unseen God? Do they press you for evidence that your God is alive and works in and for you? Your life of faith itself is the greatest evidence that your God is alive and that He is concerned about His children. He proves to us each day as He hears our prayers and answers us at the right time in the right way. His ways are far greater than ours and His provisions for us are far beyond our expectations. He gives more than we ever ask for and meets our daily needs because we are His precious children. God being our King treats us as princes and princesses. We are given a royal treatment. We are exposed to a heavenly life with heavenly peace, grace, joy and love which work wonders in our lives in a world which is against us. When we call, our God answers us. As we pray, He already has answers to our prayers because He knows all our needs in advance. All we need to do is to exercise our faith in asking. When the world around us sows the seeds of unbelief to depress us, we need to remind ourselves of the truth that our Lord lives for us and all His resources are for us only. We are a set apart people for God and all that happens in our lives has to be for His glory and honor. When we live a godly life, it is His character that He helps us to demonstrate in our lives. It is He who sets us apart as unique people with unique characteristics, and He works it all out in us as we commit ourselves to Him and His cause. Our prayer to Him is the evidence that we are not self-sufficient and that we depend on Him for all our needs. So the Lord has set us apart as heirs of all that He has in Heaven and appointed us to have the privilege to ask Him so that He can give according to His will. So let us today continue to boldly testify to the faithfulness of this God who has given us all that we need in the past and has promised that He will lead us all the days of our lives victoriously.
Psalms 34:15 – The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry.
Thought for Today
The evidence of our total dependence on the Lord for all our needs is our sole trust in Him alone in all circumstances.