Verse for Today: Thursday, March 10, 2011
1 Samuel 1:10 – In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord.

Hannah was a woman with a soul full of anguish. She had no children and craved for a child. She also went through oppression, humiliation and mockery at home. These were like a two-edged sword in Hannah’s life which made her deeply grieved. Her life looked empty and she was in deep discouragement. But she found a place to go to express her anguish and despair which was the presence of God from where all blessings flow. She was importune in her craving for a child and kept knocking at the door from where blessings come as a fountain. She wanted a child to be given to the Lord which was a great and noble desire. She felt that the Lord would see her tears and bitter and deep pain in her heart. So she kept praying to the Lord, and she knew that only the Lord would be able to meet her innermost need. Hannah is a great example of a child of God who has a void in life to be filled by the Lord. She recognized that fighting a battle at home is not the answer. She also realized that a medical explanation for her childlessness would not suffice. She wanted a special gift from the Lord in answer to her prayers and supplication and she persistently knocked at the door of the Lord and got the answer in six fold. Hannah’s life is a challenge for us to pray to the Lord to meet our innermost need and keep praying until He answers us. She knew how the patriarchs like Abraham and Isaac got children through prayer and waiting on the Lord. We also find great examples of prayer warriors like Daniel, Nehemiah, Jeremiah, David, Paul and others who got answers to their anguishes by the Lord. The God of Hannah is alive and is in the business of answering His children’s prayers even today. When He sees the tears and bitter experiences of His children, will not keep silent, but will answer them far beyond their expectations.

Dear friend, are you crying bitterly with deep anguish in your soul because of the problems you are confronted with? Is your problem like a sword which has multiple edges and you are being cut from all sides? Do you find it so difficult to face your deeply embarrassing situation? Just as Isaiah and Hannah went to the temple of the Lord, you are also challenged by the Spirit of God today to go to the presence of your Lord who is waiting for you to go to Him with all your anguishes. He knows all about it long before you meet Him and express your feelings of loss, failure, misery, agony and despondency. He wants you to tell Him all about it in sincere and persistent prayer and wait in His presence till He answers you. His presence will wipe your tears away. He will put His hands around your shoulders and draw you closer to Him. He will comfort you with a soft touch on your back. His words of comfort will encompass around you. He will strengthen you to face your situation and put all your trust in Him to give you answers to your agonizing concerns. He will fortify your soul with His Spirit to work as a strong fortress and pillar. His soothing words will take your grief away and give you the courage to face your situation boldly. When you thus pray, your soul will be flooded with the Lord’s peace in spite of the rough and tough patches in life that you are going through. Remember, there is no situation that is too great that the Lord cannot handle it. There is no problem that He cannot solve. Sometimes He solves it with natural means and some other times, He will solve it supernaturally. But all solutions come from Him at His time and we will have to wait like Hannah until the windows of Heaven will open for His showers to fall on us. The Lord works great things with little means and so if we surrender all our problems to Him and take our hands off, the Lord will take it in His hands and reshapes it which ultimately brings glory to His name. Today let us follow the example of Hannah and place our innermost needs at the feet of Jesus in persistent prayer and expect His interference at the right time.

Psalms 107:6 – Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress.

Thought for Today
The anguishing prayers of God’s children do not go waste, but will bring forth several fold answers.

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