Verse for Today: Monday, March 28, 2011

Psalms 23:2a – He makes me lie down in green pastures.

It is a matter of great comfort for God’s people to realize that they are treated just as a shepherd treats the sheep. When the Lord is my shepherd and I am His sheep, I am dealt with on the basis of all my needs. He knows me well enough to know my weak points, shortages, inadequacies, incapabilities, failures, losses and my aspirations. He recognizes that I need green pastures to graze on and rest. He understands that the sheep needs to lie down for some time due to the weariness of walking around. The sheep are so thrilled to see that they are in His pastures where they can find a fearless resting place for their weary souls. In His pastures, there is no room for anxiety because there is enough of green grass for them to graze all through their lives. The shepherd is there with them, both when they walk around and when they are lying down. There is total satisfaction when the sheep are in His pastures which are lush green with all the goodness that the sheep need. They do not need to go to any other pastures to meet any of their needs. The grass on the other side of the fence is made to look attractive, but is toxic which will make the sheep spiritually sick. But the grass that is available with the Good Shepherd in His pastures gives stability, balanced growth and development. It guarantees nourishment and satisfaction, and cures all diseases of the soul. Not only that, the good shepherd helps the sheep to lie down, and will not drive the sheep to weariness. Making the sheep lie down in green pastures is the Shepherd’s way of transforming the sheep into what they ought to become.

Dear friend, are you aware of the provisions made by the great shepherd for His sheep? He leads His sheep each day to His green pastures to meet all their needs. The enemy of our souls promises green grass, but he doesn’t have green pastures. He will try to lure us to go to the media of the world and its allied fleshly substances to make us weak and sick. But the green pastures of our Good Shepherd are full of promises of good spiritual health. It is a pleasant place of great encouragement and hope which is free for all His sheep because the Good Shepherd has already paid for it. He is the Bread of Heaven and we find Him in His pastures. His grazing field gives us nourishment and satisfaction today and great promises for all the tomorrows of our lives. But we need to decide to eat this grass from the Great Shepherd on a daily basis. We have to have a deep desire to eat the grass and be under the discipline of the Shepherd to patiently lie on His grass and enjoy the needed rest for our souls. Then we will find that all our needs are met by Him on a moment by moment basis. We also need to forsake all the alternatives that the enemy of our souls offers and cultivate a deep craving for the green pastures of the Shepherd. There is enough in these green pastures to meet all our needs on a daily basis and there will never be any shortages. There is no need to think about moving in a hurry, but to stay calm and relax and enjoy His provisions which are sufficient for all our needs and situations on all days of our lives. The green pastures will transform us on a daily basis as we devour on the provisions that He wants us to feed on to become what He wants us to be for His glory.

Psalms 100:3 – Know that the Lord Himself is God; it is He who made us and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pastures.

Thought for Today Our willing submission to the Shepherd can only be expressed in the way we take advantage of all the blessings that He has in His green pastures.

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