The End Times events: Increasing Frequency?

In the space of three weeks, we were reminded of the fraility of the  human life. How susceptible is the human race? How truly helpless are we in the face of a marauding nature (controlled by the creator himself)? For all the technological innovation, Man is just as a small speck of dust in front of his creator!

  1. Russia: Russia was absolutely charred by wild fires in July 2010 with cities and agriculture land wilting under the most severe heat wave the country has seen. For over 20 days, the Russian government did all that it could to control the fire but all in vain. A developed country, a superpower at that,  failing miserably in the face of a natural calamity.
  2. India: The Himalayan cities of Leh was absolutely flattened out by a massive Cloud burst on the midnight/early hours of Aug 6th, 2010. Within one hour, the flood of mud and silt poured over the villages of Leh killing reportedly 150 people. Over  800 are still missing and 1000 still unaccounted for. In the words of one of the visitors: “We woke up in the middle of the night and we saw the whole mountain moving in front of us”. The Deccan Herald reports:

    Flash floods and massive landsli des, triggered by a series of cloudbursts, have killed more than a hundred people and injured at least 400 in Leh town and its adjoining villages in the Ladakh division in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday night.

    Most geologist believe that the event was a topography changing event and has easily shifted the tectonic plates under neath the Himalayas. Well may be the earth is preparing for a new City and a new structure?

  3. Pakistan: Pakistan was devastated by a massive flash flood from the mountainous regions of Swat Valley as the Indus River swelled beyond all control and broke every barrier, Aug 2010.
  4. It was described as one of the worst ever by UN and IMF. Reuters reports:

    The floods in Pakistan, which have killed at least 1,200 people so far, are already the world’s second worst in the decade from 2001 to August 2010, according to the Belgium-based Centre for Research on Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED).

It is now widely regarded that Pakistan Swat Valley geography has been completely changed the livelihood of millions wiped out. A video grab of the event:

In the space of three weeks, the world has witnessed a series of massive earth changing tragedies and yet we have hardly noticed the rising frequencies of such events. The earth is preparing for a massive turbulence as the Lord himself told his disciples.

The End Times: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. (Matthew 24:6-8; Mark 13:7-8 NIV).
Then he said to them: “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.”

The critic might continue to argue that such events have always happened. But it may be worthwhile to point to the critic, that the frequency of these events continue to rise at an alarming rate and the kill rate of such tragedies are rising exponentially.

The above graph shows the rate of tragedies (earthquakes) from 1900-2001. The increasing kill rate is testimony to the rising frequency of natural disasters.
A study by analysts at Kobe, Japan point out:

As reported by the secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), the last ten years have seen 478,100 people killed, more than 2.5 billion people affected and about US$ 690 billion in economic losses. Disasters triggered by hydro-meteorological hazards amounted for 97 percent of the total people affected by disasters, and 60 percent of the total economic losses.
The November 2004 typhoons in the Philippines claimed over 1,000 lives and devastated the livelihoods of many more. The Indian Ocean Tsunami was even more distrutive: more than 150,000 lives were lost.
The greater tragedy is that many of the losses due to disasters could have been averted.

The study was instituted in 2006. The picture has only got grimmer with the Mumbai floods of July 2006, Earthquake in Chile,  Wild Fires of Russia, Floods in Pakistan and the Massive Cloud Burst in Leh, India.

Doesnt the voice of the Lord sound so familiar in the wake of such natural tragedies: “You will see all these things……..”

Friends, things are only getting worse from here. My guess is that we have not yet seen the end of these tragedies even for 2010. There will be famines, droughts and earthquakes. Isnt it time to get to know your creator?

Gospel Call

Isnt it time to submit yourself to the Word of God? Isnt it time to give up those idols and dieties which are useless and life less to save you. Leh was a center for such worship of Idols and stones and mountains. If you ever passed by Leh, you would have seen men and women bowing down to all kinds of stones and idols. Some even have Mountains as their god under the false illusion that such idols can save them. Ultimately God razed down the whole city. It was not long back that the city being glorfied for its innovation, in a movie called “3 idiots”.  Was it not ironical that even man’s best could not stand in the strength of the fury of nature.

There is still time to give up those idols and come to the real God, the one who created and the one who  breathed his life into each one of us. There is only one way to reach him. And that is to be saved by grace of Lord Jesus Christ. Come and Accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior. The Bible is categorical in that the End times will be marked by such rising rate of tragic events but for those who have Christ, there is nothing to be worried about as their salvation is secure. Even if death comes, the saved in Christ are promoted to be with Lord himself in his heaveny abode. But the idol worshipers are all swept away into hell fires for eternity.

It is a scary future for the unbelievers in Christ. Do not reject him today. Remember if you reject him, there is absolutely no doubt that you will pass into eternal hell fire, with no distinction made whether you did 1,000 good deeds or you did 2,000 good deeds.

“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,” 1 Timothy 2:5″

“there is no God but one” 1 Corinthians 8:4

Memorize that forever: There is only ONE GOD and ONLY MEDIATOR between God and Man, called Lord Christ Jesus.

Not 2 Not 3 nor 1000 gods to which many human beings bow to.

Gods word says: “All have come short of the Glory of God” and hence we need salvation from one who has never sinned. Only Lord Jesus Christ was worthy to shed his blood which could be accounted for our sins in front of God, the father. Not only did Christ dies for our sins, he rose up on the third day and is now seated in heaven seated at the right hand of the father, interceding for us, for our sins which we do. Christ continues to watch and call us.

May you hear his clarion voice to get saved.

To know more, please email us at with your details and contact ids so we can reach out to you, no matter what part of the world you are in.

Christian Believer Assembly, Borivali

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