Upper Room Discourse: Introduction

This is the first part in a series on the upper room discourse by Br Fred Kosin. The Lord Jesus Christ wanted his disciples to hear, remember, recognize and absorb everything he taught them before his betrayal. This was so that they would be prepared for the enormous responsibility after he was taken from them. As a result, Br. Kosin begins with an introduction to these 5 chapters, which are derived from key insights in these chapters.

Call to Serve with Gladness

The prophet Joel strongly exhorted the people of Judah to closely consider the severity and effects of the plague that had just gone by. This plague of locusts was also to be a warning of the future judgement to come. It’s severe effect in their individual lives and in the priestly service rendered in the temple of God are brought to light, directing our attention to the taking away of the meal offering and drink offering. The joy of the people had withered away.
In this sermon, Br. Rexlin focuses on these portions and exhorts how the scriptural principles found in this book may be applied as a timely warning for the assemblies today.

Sanctification: Kind of Life God Uses

In this three-part series, Br Revanth discusses different aspects of sanctification. As He concludes this series, he shows us the kind of life that God uses for His glory. Paul emphasizes in the letter that we should live a clean life and serve our Lord by being useful vessels. Following that, he talks about how we should avoid youthful desires and ignore foolish speculations. As a final point, we should pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace.

Sanctification: Living in Light of God’s Return

In this three-part series, Br Revanth discusses different aspects of sanctification. He gives us insight into how to live in light of Christ’s return. Gratitude, joy, and prayer are all things we need to practice. It is also imperative that, while we wait for that day, we are able to differentiate between truth and lies, mature ourselves, and not dilute God’s messages. Finally, discernment is essential, and the spirit’s work should be hindered.

Sanctification: Living a Cross Shaped Life

In this three-part series, Br Revanth discusses different aspects of sanctification. Throughout this message, he explores what it means to lead a cross-shaped life. According to Philippians 3:17-21, Paul wants believers to emulate godly Christians like Paul and to beware of earthly-minded people. And finally, he reminds us of our heavenly citizenship and of the glorious transformation we are anticipating.


Prodigals in the Bible: Manasseh

In the truest sense of the word, a prodigal is someone who recklessly & wastefully lives his life. But thanks to the famous parable of the prodigal son narrated by the Lord Jesus, the word prodigal has come to be strongly associated with rebellion against God. Likewise, we see many such prodigals in the Bible who rebelled, but because of God’s Grace found their way back to God. Their return to God serves us important lessons on how God deals with sinners and His infinite love for prodigals.