Prodigals in the Bible: Samson

In the truest sense of the word, a prodigal is someone who recklessly & wastefully lives his life. But thanks to the famous parable of the prodigal son narrated by the Lord Jesus, the word prodigal has come to be strongly associated with rebellion against God. Likewise, we see many such prodigals in the Bible who rebelled, but because of God’s Grace found their way back to God. Their return to God serves us important lessons on how God deals with sinners and His infinite love for prodigals.

Prodigals in the Bible: Prodigal Son

In the truest sense of the word, a prodigal is someone who recklessly & wastefully lives his life. But thanks to the famous parable of the prodigal son narrated by the Lord Jesus, the word prodigal has come to be strongly associated with rebellion against God. Likewise, we see many such prodigals in the Bible who rebelled, but because of God’s Grace found their way back to God. Their return to God serves us important lessons on how God deals with sinners and His infinite love for prodigals.

Prodigals in the Bible: Jonah

In the truest sense of the word, a prodigal is someone who recklessly & wastefully lives his life. But thanks to the famous parable of the prodigal son narrated by the Lord Jesus, the word prodigal has come to be strongly associated with rebellion against God. Likewise, we see many such prodigals in the Bible who rebelled, but because of God’s Grace found their way back to God. Their return to God serves us important lessons on how God deals with sinners and His infinite love for prodigals.

The Love of God – A Radical Love

God’s Love is sovereign, powerful, holy, immutable, eternal, infinite, indestructible and glorious. His love goes along with all the other attributes of God. It is HIs love that brought Lord Jesus down to the earth and made God approachable, accessible and personal.

God’s love at the same time is also demanding. This radical love demands and empowers us to love Him back. If it was not for the love of God, we could not love Him by ourselves.

Wrath of God – It Is Just & Merciful

The wrath of God is an indispensable attribute of God. His wrath is an expression of His justice. God not only appreciates virtue but condemns vice. God doesn’t simply appreciate wisdom but condemns folly. He does not only desire good in us but hates the sin in us. God’s wrath is an expression only against our Sin. Man’s ungodliness invites the wrath of God. His wrath is coupled with His love and mercy.

Are You Ready Church?

The second coming of the Lord Jesus is imminent and certain. Yet the Lord warned that the world would be unprepared for it. In the warnings found in Matthew 24, lies an important message of readiness and preparedness for the church. Today, as we navigate swiftly changing times & seasons, catching one and all by surprise, the pertinent question for the church is, Are we ready?

Power of God: Nothing is Impossible with God

A detailed exposition on the ‘Power of God’. The Bible gives us insight into the mystery of God’s power and how it is different from Man’s power. God’s power is synonymous to His name and Word. His Power is dynamite, energetic, forceful and also authoritative. His power goes along with the other attributes of God. It is His power that raised Jesus from the dead and gives credibility to the gospel of the Cross. God’s power is communicable like His Wisdom and is attainable through the cognizance of our weaknesses.

Wisdom of God: He is only Wise

Certain attributes of God are incommunicable such as His – self-sufficiency, immutability, independence, omniscience, etc. These attributes of God are distinct from man and makes God who He is. But there are certain attributes that are communicable and one of them is Wisdom of God.

The wisdom of God is pure, peaceable, gentle, full of mercy, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. God’s wisdom cannot be compared to Man’s as it’s value is more than fine rubies. This wisdom can be available to those who fear God and shun evil.

The law, the knowledge of good and evil exacerbated the condition of mankind. But the wisdom of God emboldens man to stay far from the exposure of evil.

Biblical Election: Keeping to the Scriptures

Br. John Parker concludes this series, he looks at the true meaning of the gospel and contrasts it with the false definitions common to Calvinists. He then discusses seven important principles for believers as they approach studying the Bible. As a final note, he finishes with an assessment of recent trends and arguments in Calvinism, as well as some good sources to delve further into this topic.

Immutability of God

God makes it clear that He cares for generations, generations past, present and future. People change but God does not, despite having ample of reasons to bail out on a disobedient creation like humans. The word of God is unchangeable. Its equally relevant to people who were living thousands of years ago and people from this day and age. God’s promises do not change. God’s calling does not change. God’s Holiness & love is unchanging.