In Luke 6:13-16 we see the list of the Apostles. What struck me the most is the diversity of the group. There were spontaneous people, wavering people, doubters, encourages, quiet ones, people with …

THE CHURCH – Hope of the Church – Br Thomson. B. Thomas – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: 1Thess 3:13’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Bro. Thomson mentions about 4 Hopes of the Church. Those are:Account of his ComingAim of his ComingAssurance of his ComingApplication of his Coming

THE CHURCH – Believer’s Duties to the Church – Br. Thomson B Thomas – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: 1 Timothy 3:14’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Bro. Thomson mentions about the seven duties of the Believers to the Church. Those are:We must be WitnessesDon’t neglect the gathering of the AssemblyGive importance to FellowshipSubmit to EldersExercise your Spiritual GiftsSupport the need of the Assembly(Materially)Conduct Yourself

THE CHURCH – Administration of the Church – Br. Thomson B Thomas – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: Mathew 16:18’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Bro. Thomson mentions about the seven offices of the Church that help in the administration of the Church. Those are:ApostlesProphetsEvangelistsPastor TeachersBishop (Overseer, Shepherds)DeaconsDeaconessesHe also explains how our attitude should be towards this office. He gives seven points for this also:1Thes 5:12 – Respect1Thes 5:17 – Double Honour1Thes 5:13 – Esteem Them1Tim 5:17 – TrustHeb 13:7 – RememberHeb 13:17 – Submit & ObeyHeb 13:24 – Salute

THE CHURCH – Ordinances of the Church – Br. Thomson B Thomas – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: Mathew 16:18’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Bro. Thomson mentions about the important Ordinances of the Church. There are two ordinances in the Bible. They are:BaptismLord’s SupperBro. Thomson explains the importance of both of these Ordinances and also gives a brief detail in the method and the way both of these Ordinances used to be followed.

THE CHURCH – Autonomy – Br. Thomson B Thomas [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: Mathew 16:18’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Bro. Thomson mentions about a common word in both the References (given above) that is ‘MY’. He gives three aspects related to the word ‘MY’.RelationshipRepresentationHounorshipHe also gives three areas where the church needs to be independent.Self GoverningSelf PropogatingSelf Supporting

THE CHURCH – Formation of the Church – Br. Thomson B Thomas – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: Mathew 16:18’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Bro. Thomson mentions about the Day the Church was born and how it was formed. He mentions about 2 kinds of baptism which are mentioned in 1Cor 12:12,13. The two kinds of Baptism areBaptism in water.Baptism in the Spirit.He mentions 7 references of the Baptism in the spirit. He also segregates the references into 3 points.Prophetic References. (Mat 3:11, Mark 1:8, Luke 3:16, John 1:33, Acts 1:5)Historical References. (Acts 11:15-18)Doctrinal Refernces. (1Cor 12:13)

THE CHURCH – Various Metaphors For Church – Br. Thomson B Thomas – [Audio sermon]
Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Thomson B Thomas at Assembly Bible Classes between 23rd April to 29th April.Passage of Reference: Mathew 16:18, Mathew 18:20’The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this sermon Br. Thomson explained more about the Local Church and the Universal Church by mentioning some of the metaphors or illustrations which are given in the Bible of the church. They are:Universal ChurchLocal Church1. Body – Eph 1:22,231. Body – 1Cor 12:272. Building – Eph 2:19-222. Building – 1Cor 3:93. Flock – John 10:163. Flock – Acts 26:284. Spiritual House – 1Pet 2:4-104. Tillage – 1Cor 3:95. Bride – Eph 5:28-325. Virgin – 2Cor 11:26. New Man – Eph 2:11-186. Epistle – 2Cor 3:37. City – Rev 21:2-107. Lampstand – Rev 1:13-20

THE CHURCH – Introduction – Br. Thomson B Thomas – [Audio sermon]
The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for it. Anybody who loves the Lord can only love it and labour for its progress. They shall have delight in its principles and practice. Now the doctrines related to church are corrupted or neglected. It is high time to get to the Bible and see the will of God concerning it. In the eight Bible studies uploaded here by brother Thomson B Thomas, Mumbai, gives the elementary and essential teachings of the church. The name the Lord gave to it, it’s various metaphors and the two aspects of it are presented in simple terms. The ordinances, offices and its autonomy are taught clearly. The series takes the student till the blessed hope of the church. Anyone, beginner or scholar, may find help in listening to these.’In this class, he mentioned some important truths as to why should we study this topic. He mentioned 5 different reasons to study this topic.Divine AffectionDivine RevelationDivine PurposeDivine HonourshipThe Present ConfusionAlso the meaning of the word church and how it was derived is mentioned in this sermon. At last he mentions the two different aspects of the Church