– Br. Koshy Mathew (Borivali Assembly, 4th July, 2018)Passage of ReferenceRuth 2:4-16, Ephe :6:5-9, Titus 2:9-10, 1 Tim 6:1 Interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to success in life. It is predominantly how your …

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– Br. Koshy Mathew (Borivali Assembly, 4th July, 2018)Passage of ReferenceRuth 2:4-16, Ephe :6:5-9, Titus 2:9-10, 1 Tim 6:1 Interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to success in life. It is predominantly how your …
– Br. Koshy Mathew (Borivali Assembly, 6th June 2018)Passage of ReferenceRuth 1:1-14 Interpersonal relationship is one of the keys to success in life. It is predominantly how your relationship is with God, with your family, …
Bro. Koshy Mathew expounds a simple prayer by the psalmist: Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. He explains the perspective/understanding of the Psalmist, how he accepts the fact of God being Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotent. When this understanding increased, He understood God his Holy and hates wickedness. When this knowledge of God increases he prays this prayer so that He could help him to search his heart.The Lord is an Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotent and also Holy. So we need to cleanse ourselves so that He could use us. If it’s not clean God won’t bless us. We must be gripped by the Holiness of God, if so we could also turn the world upside-down. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful above all and desperately wicked. Are your hearts clean? Bro Koshy then explains this verse in a very concise way.
The church will not pass through tribulation. Bro Koshy Mathew brings together various scriptures to state the infallible word of God on the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. Passages from 1 Thess 1 and 1 Thess 4 along with parallel passages in 1 Cor 15 are bought together with Rev 3:10 to establish the core doctrine of the assembly.Church is not appointed unto wrath (1 Thess 5:9) forms the basis of the message. It was also encouraged that believers look forward to the coming of the Lord and hence comfort each other with these words.
Book of Revelation – SECOND COMING [Chapter 19-22] Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 24 April 2014. Passage of Reference: Revelation 19-22 Br. Koshy Mathew conducts a …
MYSTERY BABYLON [Chapter 17-18] Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 9 April 2014. Passage of Reference: Revelation 17-18 Br. Koshy Mathew conducts a brief and concise study …
Book of Revelation – BOWL JUDGMENTS [Chapter 14-16] Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 2 April 2014. Passage of Reference: Revelation 14-16 Br. Koshy Mathew conducts a …
Book of Revelation – ANTICHRIST [Chapter 11-13] Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 27 March 2014. Passage of Reference: Revelation 11-13 Br. Koshy Mathew conducts a brief …
Book of Revelation – TRUMPET JUDGMENTS & FINAL TEMPLE [Chapter 8-11] Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 21 March 2014. Passage of Reference: Revelation 8-11 Br. Koshy …
SEAL & TRUMPET JUDGMENTS [Chapter 6-8] Posted here is the sermon delivered by Br. Koshy Mathew at Borivali Assembly on 14 March 2014. Passage of Reference: Revelation 6-8 Br. Koshy Mathew conducts a brief and …