Sanctification: Kind of Life God Uses

In this three-part series, Br Revanth discusses different aspects of sanctification. As He concludes this series, he shows us the kind of life that God uses for His glory. Paul emphasizes in the letter that we should live a clean life and serve our Lord by being useful vessels. Following that, he talks about how we should avoid youthful desires and ignore foolish speculations. As a final point, we should pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace.

Sanctification: Living in Light of God’s Return

In this three-part series, Br Revanth discusses different aspects of sanctification. He gives us insight into how to live in light of Christ’s return. Gratitude, joy, and prayer are all things we need to practice. It is also imperative that, while we wait for that day, we are able to differentiate between truth and lies, mature ourselves, and not dilute God’s messages. Finally, discernment is essential, and the spirit’s work should be hindered.

Sanctification: Living a Cross Shaped Life

In this three-part series, Br Revanth discusses different aspects of sanctification. Throughout this message, he explores what it means to lead a cross-shaped life. According to Philippians 3:17-21, Paul wants believers to emulate godly Christians like Paul and to beware of earthly-minded people. And finally, he reminds us of our heavenly citizenship and of the glorious transformation we are anticipating.

The Love of God – A Radical Love

God’s Love is sovereign, powerful, holy, immutable, eternal, infinite, indestructible and glorious. His love goes along with all the other attributes of God. It is HIs love that brought Lord Jesus down to the earth and made God approachable, accessible and personal.

God’s love at the same time is also demanding. This radical love demands and empowers us to love Him back. If it was not for the love of God, we could not love Him by ourselves.

Wrath of God – It Is Just & Merciful

The wrath of God is an indispensable attribute of God. His wrath is an expression of His justice. God not only appreciates virtue but condemns vice. God doesn’t simply appreciate wisdom but condemns folly. He does not only desire good in us but hates the sin in us. God’s wrath is an expression only against our Sin. Man’s ungodliness invites the wrath of God. His wrath is coupled with His love and mercy.

Are You Ready Church?

The second coming of the Lord Jesus is imminent and certain. Yet the Lord warned that the world would be unprepared for it. In the warnings found in Matthew 24, lies an important message of readiness and preparedness for the church. Today, as we navigate swiftly changing times & seasons, catching one and all by surprise, the pertinent question for the church is, Are we ready?

Power of God: Nothing is Impossible with God

A detailed exposition on the ‘Power of God’. The Bible gives us insight into the mystery of God’s power and how it is different from Man’s power. God’s power is synonymous to His name and Word. His Power is dynamite, energetic, forceful and also authoritative. His power goes along with the other attributes of God. It is His power that raised Jesus from the dead and gives credibility to the gospel of the Cross. God’s power is communicable like His Wisdom and is attainable through the cognizance of our weaknesses.