A Compassionate Vindicator

Verse for Today: Sunday, January 23, 2011
Psalms 135:14 – For the Lord will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants.

In a world where we do not often find justice, truth or sincerity, it is seen that God’s people are often deprived of their rights. The world doesn’t stand with them when God’s people are denied their rights. The enemy often sows the seeds of injustice in the case of God’s people and they end up loosing their job or seniority at work place, property, right to speak, opportunity to live and work or even worship their God without fear. They are not only denied the right to grow and develop in their spheres of activities, but even denied the right to exist. When they are troubled by the enemy and the world system, even their friends do not stand with them. In such times of trouble, loneliness and even loss of dignity, they have a wonderful promise from their Lord that He will vindicate them. God wants His people to understand that this world is not the final appeal court for them, and that there is a higher authority to decide whether they are right or not. There is a righteous judge who rules the whole Universe and He will one day sit at the Throne and judge each of His children. At that time, He will exonerate His children and declare them righteous. He has already given His people His robe of righteousness. He also gives them His grace to go through deprivation because Jesus went through it once and knows all about it. He was lonely, friendless and had not even a place to lay His head when foxes had their holes and birds had their nests to rest. Nobody wanted Him and no one cared for Him when He was unjustly dealt with. Even His closest associates ran away when He was arrested. His treasurer betrayed Him for the price of a slave. Yet He is the King of kings and Lord of lords and the creator of this universe. Considering what the world had done to the Prince of Heaven, what would they not do to His followers! So let us expect deprivation in this world because we follow that Man of Galilee who was a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief for us. Let us await His time to vindicate us for His name sake!

So dear friend, if you are friendless and lonely today, go to the Lord Jesus and He will fill your heart with Himself and the grace to go through your present difficulty of deprivation and denial of your rights. Please also understand that your Lord gave up all that He had for you and want you to consider it your privilege to give up something for His name’ sake. Giving up your rights and privileges today is your response to all that your Lord gave up for you. He has promised that He will vindicate you and spread abroad your testimony. You are going to rule this world with Him during the millennial kingdom. You are already declared a ruler and He is preparing you to become one by giving up the mundane for the pinnacle of God’s blessings in the literal sense. Remember where you are seated now! You are already seated in the heavenly places. So this is your time to start enjoying the position the Lord has placed you in rather than wallowing over the crumbs that you lose here on earth. But as you go thorough depravity and loss here on earth, the Lord will show you compassion and fill your heart with His joy which will be your strength to go through the bitter experiences this world gives you. He will fill you with His joy in spite of loss, friendlessness, loneliness or depravity. Even when you are misunderstood or misinterpreted by the world, it is important to remember what He thinks about you. If your heart is right with the Lord, there is no need to try to spend your energy and time to prove yourself right. That will be done by the Lord as necessary, but it is best to leave it with the Lord and be at peace with it thinking that the Lord knows about it. One of these days, we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ (Bema) where the Lord Himself will pronounce a verdict on you and reward you for all that you would have done for Him while one earth and at that time you will be fully exonerated. Let us today praise God because He is our vindicator and is compassionate towards us.

Psalms 136:23 – (Give thanks to the Lord) who remembered us in our low estate, for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Thought for Today
God will put His robe of righteousness on us through Jesus Christ to vindicate us against the wiles of the enemy.

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