A Faithful God to All Generations

Verse for Today: Friday, July 01, 2011
Matthew 1:1 – This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah, a descendant of David and of Abraham. (NLT)

The generations of Adam started well but ended in sorrow and misery. They had the privilege of being born in the family of God, but they willfully chose to de-link with this great family and became part of the families of sinful man. This has caused man to perennially suffer physically, emotionally and spiritually. But God was not willing to let man go off like this forever and showed His kindness to man by reestablish the family link. He came to Bethlehem as a baby and thus established that link. In His body, He took all our sorrow and misery and paid the penalty of our sins to make us all linked with God again. God never forgot us even when we forgot Him and rejected Him. The God of timelessness entered into time. God of infinity broke into the lineage of the finite man and offered to take all our miseries, pain, sorrow and frailties forever on a daily basis. Today we have the freedom to touch God through this genealogical link whose name is Jesus. He had no beginning, but He willingly entered into humanity with a beginning so that we can have a new beginning. In Him we have the answers to all the challenges we face in this life. He is our partner in all that we go through because we are now linked with the Almighty as His beloved children. But this privilege becomes ours only if we take it by faith by trusting Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Today the opportunity is available to us. We do not need to carry our burdens all alone as He is willing and capable to carry it for us and with us because in Jesus we are in the genealogy of God.

Dear friend, today you and I have the privilege to enjoy all the blessings of the heavenly places through Jesus Christ our Lord. We do not need to go it all alone, but have been given the opportunity to travel with Him. Today He bears our miseries and sufferings. He has an answer to all our difficulties and will reveal His will in all that we go through for His glory. He walks with us and holds our hands. He keeps us as the apple of His eyes and holds us close to Him. In Him, we are safe, secure and sacred. He is with us as a loving companion as we tread the narrow way to reach our destination by faith. He keeps reminding us that we are His beloved in the new generational link He has established for us. He has linked us with God and all His resources to meet all our needs today and all the days that are ahead of us. He is sufficient for all our needs and helps us to meet all our challenges in life. He remembers that we are dust, knows all our frailties and infirmities and handles us accordingly. As we are in His genealogy through re-birth, He treats us as princes and princesses. Today there is no greater thrill than walking with Him and enjoying His presence, friendship and provisions for our needs. Let us walk like the children of the Great King of Kings and enjoy our walk in spite of our situations and the challenges we face. Remember, you and I are today linked with the Almighty through Jesus Christ. So let us walk worthy of the call with which we are called and enjoy His provisions for our use and for His glory.

Psalms 90:1 – Lord, You have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.

Thought for Today
God’s faithfulness to His children is based on His benevolence and not on their merit or qualifications.

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