A Thoughtful and Caring God!

Verse for Today: Monday, July 11, 2011
Psalms 8:4 –
What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?

The glory of the creation of God is so great that it exemplifies the glory of its Creator. The universe is so vast and varied with relative magnificence and excellence in its characters and movements. Considering all the vast creations of God, man is but a puny creature and in comparison less than an amoeba. But it is amazing that God considers man greater than all His other creations. It seems that all of creation works for man who lives on the earth which is one of the smallest planets. Even after man committed sin and had fallen short of the glory of God, it is amazing that God is still mindful of man. God controls the movements and interrelationships of the stars and the planets in such a way that the environment of this earth is conducive for man to live. This is because God loves man and is interested in his well being. God wants the fellowship of man and desires that he responds to the love of God demonstrated on the cross of Calvary through the death of His Son. God is mindful of man and his welfare. God is infinitely interested in the affairs of man because God envisages an eternal plan for man. The life that He has given to man is a time of preparation for man to be with God forever. So man’s life on earth is of tremendous importance to God. God speaks to man through His entire creation and declares His glory to man to challenge man to respond to God’s love. God has great provisions to meet all the earthly needs of man, for water, air, energy and environment which are all built in the universe through the skillful arrangement of His creation.

Dear friend, isn’t it amazing that the God of this Universe is interested in you and that He is mindful of your welfare? Do you realize that He moves the universe to meet your needs while you have the challenge to search and find God and His love? Are you aware of the extent of care He has for you and your affairs? Yes, He is interested in you and your affairs because He has eternal purposes for you. He wants to accomplish certain purposes with your life here on earth as well. He desires to use your life as a great investment for the spiritual welfare of others around you and will reward you for allowing Him to use your life as a springboard for Him. While you are mindful of Him and His affairs, He wants to be mindful of your affairs. He thinks about you all the time because you have His Son dwelling in your heart. He has also deposited His Spirit in you. So God has something at stake in your life and He is interested in the spiritual investment in you to grow and fruit so that God can use these fruit for others. But He can use you only if you surrender your life to God to use it the way He wants for His glory alone. He guarantees that He will meet all your needs while you allow Him to use your life for His glory. When you reach your eternal home, He will help you to find your life with all the investment that you allowed Him to have in your life. This is both an opportunity and a challenge. If we acknowledge God as our creator, rightful owner and redeemer of our lives, we would have no hesitation to give our lives back to God to use it the way He wants. Considering our nothingness and sinfulness, there is no reason for Him to be mindful of us, but He remembers us because of His loving kindness and compassion. Isn’t it wonderful that while we look after His interest on this earth, He will look after our needs and interests here and now and forever in eternity as well? It is then that we are able to live without anxiety about our earthly affairs because He is mindful of us and our affairs.

Psalms 27:13 – I would have despaired unless I believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Thought for Today
When we are mindful of God and His business on earth, He will be mindful of our business on earth.

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